chapter 2

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Beep beep beep

Alarms are the worst things ever made. They get you up for the worst things that you dont want to go to.
I wish these thing would just go away or something.

Sound like its time for school now. I just wish I could just stay home but momma wouldn't let me and my friends would be worried. I go unplug my phone to see if I got a text from my friend hunk yet. He also wakes up earlier than me. Founds out I do asking if I'm going and I tell him that I am.

I go an get my clothes and change. I change into a blue long sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans. I go comb my hair and then head to the bus stop. Hunk should be at the bus stop when I get there. He only lives the street down from me so we ride the bus together. He's been my friend since preschool and he has never left me. I'm so thankful to have such a great friend.

I arrive at the bus stop and hunk is there like always. "Hey buddy!" He then notice that I have arrived. "Hey lance! Your a bit early today." I didn't notice that I was early. "Yeah I got a good nights rest!" I really didn't but I cant let him know that. "Wait! Did you eat breakfast?" "Haha no I forgot."
"Lance! That's the most important meal of the day!" "I'm sorry buddy. I wanted to get here early."

Finally after 5 minutes the bus arrives. When we get on its quiet cause everyone is half asleep but after school when we ride it is loud and everyone is wild. Me and hunk go and take a seat in the back.

The bus then arrive at school and we get out. "Bye hunk see you later!" " see you lance!" We do have classes together but were not in homeroom together. Everyone has to be at homeroom at least at 8:10.
When I get there almost the whole class is there and I go sit in my usual seat and wait until were dismissed to go to the other classes. Then the teacher finally realise us to go.

I don't have the first two classes of the day with any of my friends. Its about lunch time and the food is terrible here but I get to see all of my friends then. 

Its finally lunch time! "Man I'm starved" me and hunk are going through the lunch line get some food that I wouldn't call food though. They have the worst thing they could serve today, chicken. "I don't think this is actually chicken." "Of course not hunk! Its school food and school food is not real food buddy!"

Don't eat. Your fat. Starve yourself.
I hate these thoughts.

We go to are table that we all sit at. Were the first ones at the table. After about a minute more people start showing up in the lunch room. "Here comes a gremlin with there fake chicken!" "Shut up long legs but is this chicken actually ediable?" " I don't think so." I here shiro right behind them. "Hey shiro." They both come sit at the table with us.

"Has anyone saw Keith?" Hunk says. "Maybe his class has let out late." Shiro replies. "No he probably skip class today." He least skips class once a week. "Speak of the devil look who just showed up." Pidge said. "Hey" he comes over and sits in front of me. "Was you trying to fix your mullet or something." He actually pulls off the mullet but I don't understand why he wants it. "Shut up! I had to turn in some homework I forgot to turn in." "Wow you actually did your homework for once." "I ain't a nerd like you pidge."

I didn't eat any thing but lunch is over. I have my next class with Keith so I wait until he throws his lunch away. "Are you gonna skip class today or are you going." "I wish I could skip because of you but I have to get My grades up." We start walking to are next class.

I had to go get something out of my locker before I went to class. "Keith wait I have to go get something!" "Ok hurry before were late" we walk to my locker. When I was getting a notepad out my sleeve went up. I hope Keith didn't notice. He didnt seem to notice so we head to class. 

Its the end of the school day. So I meet up with hunk to get on the bus with him. "Hey Lance me and pidge was thinking that we all should have a movie night and stay over at one of our houses this Saturday!" "Dude we should do that! I will ask my mom if we could have it at my house!We need to ask shiro and Keith if they want to!"
We go and get on the bus. Today wasn't the worst at school.
I say good bye to hunk when he gets off of the bus. Then the bus lets me off at my house. I'm so glad to be home.

When I walk in I put my backpack down. I walk in the kitchen and I see momma cooking. "Hey momma." "Did you have a good day at school?" "Yes. Also could I have a movie night and my friends stay over this Saturday?" I ask momma " sure if you clean your room!" "Thanks momma"

I go to my room upstairs. School makes me have so much stress and kinda makes me more depressed.  I go to my bathroom. I pull a blade out behind some lotion in my cabinet. I take the blade to my wrist.

I clean up the mess I made. I couldn't wrap up my arms with bandages because I didn't have no more left.

I do my nightly routine and then go to bed.

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