chapter 7

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Last night was horrible for me. Keith and shiro found out my secret i have been hiding for almost a year. I was sure that they would have react awful and hate me but they didn't. They actually said that they wouldn't leave  me and wanted to help me. I guess that was the best reaction i could get from anyone about this situation i have. Im glad that they are still my friends but i haven't told hunk and pidge. I hope that they will do the same. also I hope that keith and shiro wont say any thing about it this morning.

When I wake up I hear a click sound. I open my eyes to see pidge with her phone pointing at me. She has evil grin on her face and then I hear another click. "Pidge what are you doing?" I say to her. "Just scrolling through my phone and getting some pictures." She just says calmly. "pictures of what?" "Pictures of sleeping beauty." She chuckles looking at me. "Wait you better not be taking pictures of me!" I raise up from were i was laying down. "who else would be sleeping beauty?" She says still with that evil grin on her face. Then i reach out for her phone but she pulls the phone away before I can reach it. "pidge! delete them!" "Um no. I need something to post on Instagram and these are perfect!" she says. " you are evil." I know she wont delete them but I had to try and see if she would. I just hope they are not that bed.

I look around the room and see that everyone else is still asleep. I get up out of bed and go to use the bathroom. When im done and walk out I see that hunk is now awake. "good morning hunk!" I say giving him a smile. "Good morning lance!" He says smiling back at me. I walk over to the table and grab my phone. Then turn on my phone and see that pidge has tagged me on a post on Instagram. I know that they are the ones that she just took of me so i go to Instagram to see them. There is 6 pictures of me with a caption saying look at this sleeping beauty. The pictures are horrible of me. They almost all is of me drooling in my sleep.

In the corner of my eye I see pidge looking at me with a grin trying not to laugh. "pidge im going to kill you!" Then she starts to laugh her ass off. Hunk look over at us. "whats going on?" pidge quits laughing for a second. "look at my newest post on instgram." She says looking at him. He grabs his phone and gets on instagram. "pidge this is evil to do to poor lance." He says chuckling a bit. she just laughs some more. "thanks hunk for agreeing with me. your the best buddy!"

After about ten minutes of us  talking keith and shiro wakes up. we just sit and chat for a bit. Later we here a knock on the door. I get up and open the door. Noah and grace is at the door. "breakfast is ready!" Grace says a little to happy. "Mom also wants everyone to come down and eat to!" noah says. " ok lets go!" I say to them. after hearing them everyone gets up. "lance! carry me down!" grace whines. I bend down and pick her up. "Grace that not fair! I wanna be carried to lance!" "I cant carry you both. sorry noah." "hey! I will carry you!" I hear Hunk say. Then noah went over to hunk and he picks him up. I smile at hunk. He always play and talks to the kids. he is also one of the nicest people i have ever met.

 After me and hunk has pick up the kids we go down stairs to eat some breakfast. When we get down there I see momma getting some plates out for us.  "Good morning momma. Do  you need help getting anything." I ask her sitting grace down and walking over to her. "Actually could you get the milk and juice out for me please? Also can you get some cups to." "of course i will!" i go over to the fridge to grab the milk and juice. I sit the stuff down and then go to the cabinet to grab some cup. 

"Ok everybody everything is ready now so go and enjoy breakfeast!" My mom says to everyone. "Thanks a lot ms. mclain for fixing all of this for us." Shiro says smiling at her. After shiro says Thank you everyone else does to. "No problem you all! You are my guest and it would be rude for me not to fix breakfast for you all!" I smile to myself. My mom is the best mom i could ever have. she is always so kind to everyone. After all the thanks everyone go and makes them self a plate.

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