Chapter One - Inevitable

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Warning. This story contains sexual content and strong language.

... I'm back!

I have finally buckled down and overcome my writer's block! It mainly sprouted from ending Answer Me This. I did not think I could match its quality but after re-reading it, I definitely can do better!

So welcome to The Romantics - passionate about life and its adventure.

There are going to be sexual themes and scenes in this story. I will do my best to keep it sophisticated.

Hope you enjoy!

Y/N = Your name (also, I am questioning this whole name and first person business. I feel odd giving you, the reader, a personality that may be entirely different from yourself in a story. On the flip side, I am unsure if you would appreciate a character made in your place. Maybe you do prefer being the character? Please message or comment your opinion!)

- Caroline


"You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it."

- Benjamin Mee


"We see this theme recurring in all the texts we've studied thus far. We've also seen the opposing perspectives. Some texts highlighted the success that blossoms from desire and others have accentuated the negative effects of an excess or inappropriate desire."

Mr. Keating was soothing to listen to but managed to keep your brain on its figurative feet while he lectured.

"Desire is such an umbrella term. What comes to your mind when you hear the word ladies and gents? Come on, don't shy away- ah, Kennedy?"

A slim, pale hand fell back to its owner's desk softly. "A desire for power," she answered assuredly.

Keating grunted with an agreement. "Yes, economic desire. Neil?"

"Social. Fitting in, safety and whatnot."

"Absolutely. You've heard that in Biology, yes? I sure hope you guys are just shy and not lying to me," Keating scorned us playfully. A few more students confidently gave their responses seemingly calmed by the wide variety of possible answers. Generalized answers emerged from several students dispersed around the class. Still, it was an unexpected amount of courage from a class one week into Keating's style of teaching.

Keating was wringing out the last of our ideas when another boy leaning back triumphantly in his chair threw in an idea almost out of instinct.

"Sexual, sir."

A few chuckled, others rolled their eyes at the boy's boastful grin. I tried my best to glance at him nonchalantly. He wasn't wrong. Sexual desire can be awfully powerful. Our classroom composed of hormonal teenagers knew this feeling well.

Suddenly, his eyes cast in my direction. This boy had an enthralling side glare. His chestnut-brown hair matched his intense eyes. A devious smirk remained carved on his face. His eyebrows hung lower than ours, giving him a dominant expression that lured me to hold my stare. While the rest of the class wore their complete uniforms, he had taken off the jacket and remained in a white dress shirt and black tie with mahogany stripes. It fit him favorably.

The Romantics - Charlie DaltonWhere stories live. Discover now