Numero seis

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Rosé's pov
My hands were shivering despite the vibrant colours around me in this warm looking forest since I had left the others for this "safe" path. 'Was it really this safe?' 'Is chris injured?' 'Oh no! What if he is?' My thoughts were occupied with questions that couldn't be answered just yet so I grabbed my phone out of the pocket of the leather jacket I wore along with black ripped jeans and white, cropped hoodie that complimented my vans to quickly text Chris.

Message to chris

Me: Babe I'm really scared and I'm not sure if you have been hurt or not so I'm just texting you to make sure.
Message Failed To Deliver!

'Oh for gods sake!' 'What is wrong with me why didn't I get my credit before I left?' I flicked my forehead for being so stupid and lacking common sense.
But then something distracted me and it was a dark tall silhouette that stood in front of me however it turned around to face me then it suddenly disappeared with a flash.
'What the hell was that?' I thought but I decided to take my mind off of it by taking out my earphones and playing some music to ease my nerves.
(Now Playing: Ikon - Rubber band)
Soon as the music hit my ears, I finally could relax into the soft rhythm of the song whilst matching my footsteps on the dry mud to the beats.
My mind started to ease from all the possible situations that could be happening right now as I started to admire everything that surrounded me like vibrant flowers that looked as though someone had carefully placed each seed into place and the tall trees that were close to 10 feet tall with leaves that shone in the sunlight. It had seemed like it was the path to the gates of heaven.
(Now Playing: Day6 - I need somebody)
As the sad tone of the song had hit my eardrums, my mind wondered back to the possibility someone could be hurt especially Chris.
Nonetheless I tried to keep on walking trying to find a way out other than the opposite direction because if u went back anything can be there! So instead I decided to change the song by clicking the middle bar of the earpods twice to a hopefully more happy song.
(Now Playing: Red velvet - Bad boy)
'Omg this is my favourite song!' Instantly I started to sway my hips along to the song like a lunatic because if someone saw me, It would look as though I was trying to break my hips.
Roughly 5 more minutes later, my phone had buzzed causing my phone to stop playing songs so I wanted to know what there was.
"Ughhh who would be trying to reach out to me?"

Message from Chris:

Chris: Hey I'm not sure if you'll see this message so I'll just quickly say  I'm okay but Jisung and y/n have found a stray dog which is really weird. So I have a plan to be together. Alright whilst I was walking, there was a map on the floor and it was this forest! Which means it is like a game though my point is that there are 3 paths right well the paths me and you went down, join together after a couple of kilometres! So just keep going and don't stop for ANY distractions even if it's a lost person because they're not really human. Love you babe see you soon. Xoxo

'What did I just read? Wait so we'll be together again! Omg I best keep on walking but what does he mean by the person that will try distract me isn't human?'
Soon after the text message I got an adrenaline rush to keep walking quicker to be safe with him. Though I am scared for what could be in these "woods".

Bestfriends?? Stray kids Han Jisung ffWhere stories live. Discover now