Because of Her

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Ross's POV

"Attention all passengers, we will be landing in New York soon. Please stay seated and fasten your seatbelts."

The overhead speakers blasted through the plane, but I was too caught up in my music to really care.

All I've been doing lately is listening to music, and thinking. A lot.

This is one of the last shows until Teen Beach Movie, so I've been trying to make it last. I love touring more than anything else in the world. It's the one time I'm completely free and feel invincible.

But there's another thing on my mind. Well, another person for that matter. My amazing, talented, best friend and co-star, Laura Marano. Yeah, I know. Everyone thinks me and Calum are the closest, but Laura and I just, I don't know, click.

And being me, I always act tough and calm around her. I rarely even talk to her. Most of it isn't on purpose, we've both just been really busy. So you can imagine my excitement when we got picked up for a Season 4.

And you can imagine how much it dropped when I got picked up for TBM2.

Yeah, Maia's awesome and all, but that means promoting for another year. And that's another year without seeing Laura. Or touring.

"C'mon Ross, the plane landed."

Rydel shook me and handed me my bag that was stored in the compartments above the seats.

Her and Laura actually talked last night, about missing each others faces and what not. Then we texted for a little before I had to board the plane.

It's just, when you miss someone, you never really stop.

"Alright, there may be a whole ton of fans around this corner. So stay close and try not to get eaten alive."

"Got it mom!" Riker said.

I, on the other hand, was too bummed out to even acknowledge anyone there. I heard a million fans scream my name, but I could care less.

I just wanted to see one face. That was all.

Just. One. Person.

And it would all be better.

Laura's POV

I, am quite possibly, the best person alive at the moment. Let me explain why.

So you know, me and Rydel are texting last night about how much we miss eachother. And BOOM! I get an awesome idea.

Why not go to their concert in New York?

I can stay one more night, right? Now, granted, it's the day before. So being the amazing person I am, I give Stormie a call.

And scored myself a VIP pass with a balcony seat. And the entire time I'll be with a body guard, my dad, Stormie, and Mark. Perfect!

Now it starts at 8:00, but they arrive at 5:30 to do sound check and all the Meet & Greet things.

I'm not getting there until 7:00. Then Stormie's gonna take me backstage to surprise the Lynches! Brilliant!

Fingers crossed she can keep a secret.

Now, it's not just the Lynches I'm hoping to surprise. My main goal is the one and only Ross Lynch. My best friend, co-star, and my Romeo. Yes, I do like him, and I have a feeling he likes me too.

I just love the smile that covers his face when I pop up randomly to cheer him up. It's one of the many reasons I love him.

And I also hope to surprise him by wearing a strapless magenta dress with a peplum at the waist line and ends mid thigh. I'd wear something more showy but he's probably seen the "Somebody to You" music video by now. I'm also wearing gold wedges.

I know, a little fancy for an R5 concert, but I still gotta impress.

I'm not wearing any makeup besides foundation and I'm not doing anything with my hair, so I'm going kinda natural too. I just feel like myself around him.

"Laura! C'mon, lets go out to lunch! I'm starving!"

"Coming Dad!"

I'm not wearing the dress now if that's what you're wondering. I'm wearing sweats and a pink top with my hair in a bun and a pair of black sunglasses.

Oh and converse. Ross got me into them, of course.

Well, off to lunch.


A/N: So, I decided to start another fanfiction! This will be short, since its based off of the New York show Laura surprised him at. I've been wanting to do this one for a while so here ya go! I really hope you like it!

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