Because of Her Ch. 2

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Laura's POV

I picked up the menu to see what I wanted to eat. We're eating at a nice little café, a little ways from the venue, and eating outside. The sun was shining overhead and all was well.

Until I heard teenagers screaming.

From outside the venue.

But they weren't screaming for me. They were screaming because R5 just showed up.

And it's only 12:00!

"Crap! Dad, I don't want anyone to see me! Especially Ro--"

And that's when I saw him step out of the black van with his guitar in his hands. I couldn't hear anything other than screams since we were so far away, but I could see everything.

He had on a gray beanie with a white shirt that read Living Kills and a pair of black skinny jeans with his signature black Converse.

Then I heard from one of the screams, "IS THAT LAURA MARANO?!"


That's when Ross whirled around looking everywhere. I held my menu over my face and had my dad block me. (His back was facing towards the venue and I'm looking at it.) I heard another girl scream, "GUYS IT'S JUST ANOTHER PERSON! YOU'RE GONNA SCARE THE LADY!"

I peeked over the top of the menu to see Ross shift his gaze to the ground and walk into the lobby. Everyone else was still taking selfies and giving the fans high fives. I saw Rydel nudge Riker then look inside where Ross was. Then everyone just went inside and left the fans waiting outside by themselves once again.

"I wonder why they're here 5 hours before they were supposed to get here."

"Me too, Dad. Me too."


Ross's POV

We pulled up outside the venue with screaming fans waiting outside, behind blockades of course.

"You ready guys?" Rydel asked out loud.

Riker just opened the door and went out while everyone else grabbed instruments and a water. I grabbed my guitar and waited until everyone was out.

I let out a sigh and stepped out. Everyone's screams seemed to get ten times louder. Everybody wanted a selfie or me to take a book they made. I smiled and just waved back.

That's when I heard her name.

The one name I've been dying to hear.



I turned around and searched everywhere for that familiar ombré hair but couldn't seem to find her, or whoever they were screaming at.


I looked one last time before looking at my feet. I walked into the venue without another word while fans screamed for me to come back out.

The rest of the band came inside and started planning our day.

"Alright Riker, what should we do?" Rocky asked him.

"Well I say we go get lunch. Then we go get our instruments set up and talk to Ryland, or at least one of us. Then it's the usual from there."

"Alright! Hey, I saw this café a block away from here. Wanna eat there?"

There were a few yeahs and a clap to get us moving along, but I just stood and followed. I was way too upset to enjoy any of this right now. And those girls outside didn't help. And you may be thinking, "C'mon Ross! Why are you so upset?! This is one of your favorite places!"

And to answer your question. It's because of one person on my mind all the time. The one person I know I could never make it without.

It's Because of Her.


A/N: Hope you like this chapter! Don't worry, two more chapters and they'll meet!

Well I think it's two chapters. Maybe three.

But it's soon!

Tell me what you think of it so far!

Because of HerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora