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Please forgive me my iPad is super slow and I might not see spelling errors and I will try to get some done at school. This is my first ever fanfic please no hate comments. This was based off two comics I saw and love don't know who they are but if you see somethings that are familiar that would be why. So enjoy!!!!!! (the picture is of one of the comics)

It was the summer after Dipper and Mabel turned 19. Both were successful in their life's Mabel did college online and ran a custom sweater website. And was living happily with her girlfriend Pacifica (one of my other ships) in Gravity falls. Dipper graduated high school at the age of 16 and graduated college at the age of 18 and also was living in Gravity falls living as ford's apprentice.

Dipper POV

Dipper was sitting at his willow tree desk when Bill the dream demon that haunted Dipper's childhood walked in.

"What you up to Pine tree?" Bill asked

"Thinking" I replied as I turned to face him.

Bill looked different then he did 7 years ago, for one he looked human two he didn't wear his suit with the draping cape or top hat just a normal t-shirt jeans and Sometimes a hoodie he had died his hair brown, he stopped wearing yellow.

"What do you want?" I asked

"Just wanted to see what your doing" Bill replied

Bill POV

The reason I changed myself was to not be the demon of dippers childhood.

I looked over his shoulder on his desk and saw one of the journals open to the page of me in triangle form. This is my moment to tease him.

"So found a interest in me eh Pine Tree" I tease

I watch him tense up his face gets super red, it's adorable

dipper POV

I feel my face getting warm

I quickly close the journal and hide it under some papers.

"So you just came here to tease me" I snap

"No No..." he starts

Bill POV

I going to tell him my reasons for changing, my feelings

"I... I have something to tell you"

God this is harder then Mabel said it would be


God this is hard, screw it

Dipper POV

Bill is acting not like the normal weird though

Next thing I know I feel something warm on my lips and then I see it Bill is kissing me

It's not rough and teasing like but passionate and soft.

I break the kiss, my face is burning


Bill POV

I did it but, he's looking at me

"Bill...I...I" he starts

"I know I shouldn't have done that... sorry" i said my voice creaking

I run out into the forest to the spot where i can see the moon and stars where Dipper first found me human.

Dipper POV

I'm so stupid

Why did I have to be so stupid I think of going after him but, Grankle Stan would kill me to see me outside

I start to cry

Bill POV

I start to cry

why do humans have so much pain?

That's when I hear something behind me

"I can help"

Bill dip Bill's sister (DONE)Where stories live. Discover now