The Diary

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Is there anything you wonderful readers want to see? I was thinking of doing a Mabel x Pacifica smut chapter, how does that sound? Sorry for making Mabel and dipper's parents so mean but i needed to have a reason for them not to be wondered about. Also I'm having a character contest for a evil demon to help Millie and do something evil later in the story so comment name, appearance, traits and whatever else you want to add. Thanks 

Mabel POV 

We are walking what we think is going towards the Mystery Shack, 

Dipppper, we been walking for hourrrssss" I wine 

I need a cookie break" 

We're not stopping" He says firmly 

Wwwhyyy?" I complain 

Because look" he points to a Lod house 

I think it's the Mystery Shack" 

Really? I ask  

Race you" He yells running away 

Hey!" I call 

We race I'm the first one to touch the building. 

Umm... Dipper this is definitely not the Mystery Shack" I say breathless 

Really?" He sounds confused 

[Enter own idea of strange looking log house]

How many random wood cabins are there in this forest?" Dipper ask yelling 

Wonder who lives here? I wonder

Let's find the door" dipper suggests 

We look around till will find the door before we knock the door opens. A tiny old lady dressed in a little blue dress with a knitted shall around her shoulders and big circle glasses.

Hello?" The lady calls

Yes hi I'm Mabel and this is my twin brother Dipper" I answer 

Oh yes i been waiting for you come in come." she says 

we sit in what I think is a living room, she jesters for us to sit on the couch. The women comes back a tray of cookies with tea and a journal sized book. 

Here you go dears" she says putting the tray on the table then sitting with the book on a chair 

This book was given to me by a very dear person to me..." she begins 

Who?" Dipper asks 

Let's just say that she was my granddaughter" she said 

She handed me the book it said " To Mabel and Dipper Pines" on the front 

Now eat and drink while you read it" she said getting up 

Thank you Miss... Mrs..." I stutter 

Mrs. Cipher" she replied 

Cipher? Did you know..." I started to ask but she was gone.

Shall we start to reading dear brother?" I asked 

Yeah" he says staring at the book. 

Dippers POV 

As we open the book we see one name in the book. 

"Amelia "Millie" Cipher "  

Wait do you think it's Millie?" Mabel asks with a mouth full of cookies.

More then likely, I mean how many demons have came to gravity falls and they call themselves Millie?" I pointed out

Good point" Mabel says 

As I flip to the next page I start to read. 

"Hi my name is Ameila Cipher but my parents call me Millie" as I do so the letters on the page start to fly off forming a scene. 

Woah!" Mabel and I whisper at the same time. 

The scene is of a tall girl who looks 12 but could be 10 writing in a journal. The journal looks just like the one we are reading from. She has dark red hair just like Millie. The story starts to continue the scene without me reading. 

" I am 10 years old I was born on April 28, ( as says the human calendar in my room" I am the first demon to be born from two demons like a human. You see demons are not born with a mother or father they are created from the fires of hell has baby's in the forms they will use forever but they will get bigger. During those years they will learn the ways of the demon at the school. Demons have caretakers not parents. I do not go to school for I am not supposed to be alive it is illegal for demons to bear children it is considered evil and too human. I can see why when I was born I was shaped like a heart and when demons have at least two hearts I have one, it stands for the love of my parents. That is why I can't go to the school. I must stay in our home, my mother is pregnant again with my new sibling, I promised my mother that when it comes she and father will be considered the caretakers of my little sister or brother. The child will go to school and be a proper demon, well that's all for now. 

The journal started to flip pages with me touching them. The scene this time is the Millie holding something in her lap covering it with her arm while she writes.

Today my baby brother was born I got to name him, he is triangle shaped with only one eye he has a heart (like me) I get to hold him and help rise him til he starts going to school then I will be alone for hours at a time but he will be home earlier then my parents, I named him Bill, Bill Cipher my parents liked the name. 

That's when the journal closed as if not wanting all of it to be read at once. 

So Bill has a sister" Mabel whispers 

Yeah I guess he does and it's the woman that has him under a spell." I stated 

I wonder what happened?" Mabel ponders out loud 

I guess" looking at the book " we have to wait and see tomorrow" I say with a sign

I pick up one of the tea cups and take a sip, it tastes like strawberry and vanilla. Mabel starts eating more cookies we both start to think about what we just saw. 

So once again spry for it being a bit late and if I get three or less people giving me characters for my contest I will just use all three or both or the one so please give me something.

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