The stoning

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The is the last chapter I will make the squeal if you readers want me too

Bill's POV 

I wake up again I remember everything but instead of "waking up"standing I, in a room on the cold ground it's stone. There is a door I get up almost falling over but, I limp over to it locked. I limp back to the centre of the room all then I see a chair and a table with food and water on it. I go and sit on the chair that's when I hear the door unlock, I see a familiar face...  my older sister.

Oh your awake" she smiles it's a warm smile but there's a empty look in her eyes. 

Had I get here?" I snap standing up but having to sit down again for my legs are a bit numb still 

I had to put you here you know too much" she says smile fading 

Let me out" I can stand now 

No you can't leave" She says 

Watch me" I start to walk out my sister watchs me as I pass her, she flicks her wrist and forces me back to my seat

Your not leaving not yet anyways" her smile is back but, it's evil the empty look in her eyes replace by insanity. 

I can't get off the chair I can't even move

Let me go" I'm yelling she grips my shoulder 

No your not" she grips my shoulder hard digging her nails into skin

Dippers POV 

We found the heart we found it. Mabel hugs me she super happy. Then she stops

How are we getting the heart back?" 

Oh yeah forgot about that 

Umm..." I start then I see it, the portal that got us there in the first place 

That's how" I laugh I have to it's too funny Mabel laughed with me 

Let's go" She says through her laughter she grabs the box her hand on one end my on the other we jump into the portal. 

Your here" a voice all too familiar I turn to see Millie on her throne Grunkle Ford  is nelling one front of her. In a flash Grunkle Ford is back in his cage. 

Yes we are" Mabel says filling the silence 

Do you have it?" Millie says impatiently 

Yes" I pick it off the ground where it had fallen I hold it out Millie runs over to me she looks at the box 

Open it child I can't touch the box it has the Star of David engraved inside it" That's why she can't touch the Star of David burns unholy beings. I open it not looking for it is a bit gross Millie smiles widely and evilly, As she takes her heart out of the box not touching the sides, top or bottom. She turns facing a table with a different box and places the heart in the box.

What are you doing? We just got that back for you" Mabel yells 

I know I will put it back in its rightful place but what's a day or two more days." She says I look in the box she's right the Star of David is engraved on it and a sentence that says 

I use the Star of  David to cast the spell making sure no demon will every lay hands on this box. 

Now we did our part it's time for you to do yours" Mabel yells 

One sec" Millie says as a demon flys in with a bottle. As the demon hands the bottle to Millie it flys away never to return.

What is that?" I ask 

Bill dip Bill's sister (DONE)Where stories live. Discover now