Drunken harry pt.2

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harry: hey mate its mitch, harrys drunk

louis: finally someone human, who let him drink?

harry: he chugged a whole fucking bottle or beer

harry: he was alone

louis: okay mitch this is what you do 

louis: let him sleep

louis: give him some water 

louis: and then slap him for me 

harry: okay but like we have a show in 20 mins 

louis: SHIT!!

harry: what the hell does this guy do to himself

louis: this is why i dont let him drink

louis: just send him to sleep it doesnt take long for it to wear off him to be honest, hes that much of a lightweight.

harry: omg his hair is messed up 

louis: well fix it for him please

louis: he doesnt wake up until you scream at himso dont do that until show time 

harry: damn hes so fucking high

louis: DID HE SMOKE ????

harry: no why would he smoke?

louis: thank fuck!, he does weird shit when hes drunk okay

harry: weird shit like ripping his gucci suit?

louis: not that far hahah, DONT TELL ME HES DONE IT THIS TIME!

harry: well emm he was wearing it and i guess he just pulled it of his body

  louis: DONT

louis: TELL

louis: ME

louis: HE

louis: RIPPED 


 louis: HIS

louis: SUIT

harry: he did.....

louis: ffs mitch what am i gonna do with this man 

harry: he has no idea of how much trouble he is in, i dont know louis you own him 

louis: hes in so much trouble i swear to god i could kill him right now!

harry: what about managment?

louis: fuck them, its what they deserve. i will handle them

harry: mabel is just about to preform so we have time.

louis: if hes ripped his suit what is he wearing now?

harry: hes half naked

louis: top or bottom?

harry: top half

louis: okay this is what you do, wake him up he should be okay by now.

harry: uh huh, hes mumbling in his sleep 

louis: what is he saying

harry: oh i cant make it out, hes just blabbering shit. like about shoes and suits and hair bands. does this boy live in a world of fashion

louis: thats my boy, im still mad at him though. is he awake yet?? hes gonna have one fucker of a headache.

harry: nah hes out cold, why am i dealing with him again 

louis: because im not there 

harry: he has got 10 minutes 

louis: thats not enough time for me to have a go at him for being an arse and drinking before a show !

harry: ahhaha, this kids got a hell of a typing ability when hes drunk 

louis: you should see some other stuff he sends when hes drunk

harry: hahaha well i better go but im sure he will text when hes awake 

louis: cool thanks man 

harry: no problem 


im really enjoying writing these, also what do you think is going to happen to harry?

honestly we have enough content that we can write at least 2-3 chapters a day 

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