masculine or adorable

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Louis: Harry

Louis: shit

Harry: ... What???

Louis: I've just woken up

Harry: and???

Louis: it's 3pm...

Harry: ohh wow

Harry: U need sleep anyway

Louis: what time is your mum coming?

Louis: she's not here yet

Harry: she didn't tell me about it

Louis: wait nvm she's down stairs 😂

Louis: she's didn't want to wake me because I looked "cute" her words not mine

Harry: oh my

Harry: haha aw

Harry: are the bois gone?

Louis: yeah they left a note on the table

Harry: ohhkkk

Harry: how are U feeling??

Louis: still sick, and I feel like death

Harry: :(

Harry: and I feel sed :(

Louis: no feel sad love

Louis: your mum is looking after me

Harry: good

Louis: plus she said I can stay in your old room ☺️

Harry: ... Omg no

Harry: nonono

Louis: emm why not?

Harry: have U ever been to that room before??

Louis: when we were just starting out in our relationship yes

Louis: Harry why what's wrong?

Harry: did U feel something wrong about the walls

Harry: ???

Harry: just curious

Louis: Harry I can't remember what they looked like that's been like 7 years since I was last in that room

Louis: what is wrong??

Harry: oh nvm go on

Harry: stay in the room ☺️

Louis: no babe tell me

Harry: tell what?

Louis: what is wrong with me staying in the room?

Louis: what's up with the walls

Harry: what's wrong? What's up with walls? What happened?

Louis: babe you just said that I can't stay in the room

Louis: I just want to know why

Harry: I didn't say that

Harry: I said U shld actually sleep there haha

Louis: babe really

Louis: you said no to me staying in the Room

Harry: idk what you talking

Louis: I guess I will find out then

Harry: find out what

Harry: what will U find out?!

Larry stylinson texts Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora