louis sick pt.4

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Harry: mum

Anne: oh hi harry

Harry: mumaa hai

Anne: everything okay love? X

Harry: nothings alright mum

Harry: I'm in vain

Anne: oh what's wrong?

Harry: I came back to London two days ago... For Louis and now before I left he fell sick.. like he's having a sever case of flu

Harry: I wanted to ask if it was okay if he was still visiting you

Anne: oh, is he okay? Xx

Harry: he's fine now

Harry: and I'm not home

Anne: yes love, he can stay of course he can x

Harry: it will be difficult for you, won't it be? Niall agreed to stay with him

Harry: honestly, mum, don't stress yourself x

Anne: no he's alright, I'd rather he was with me than Niall x

Anne: love he won't stress me out, I have nothing to do x

Harry: yeah but idk he's too sick to even move :(

Anne: I could pick him up from yours? X

Harry: oh that'll be nice, but again, don't stress yourself x

Anne: honey it's not trouble honestly x

Harry: are you sure? I'm just making sure X

Anne: yes love honestly, Louis is welcome anytime. Tell him I will pick him up around lunch time x

Harry: ohkkkk sure, thank you so much, mum! You're the best XXXXX

Harry: okay I gotta run, love ya, bye X

Anne: now you go enjoy your show, love you lots xxx

Anne: Bye xx

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