louis sick pt.2

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Harry: Niall you free, mate??

Niall: just now?

Harry: ohhkkkk are U free at like around 1pm?

Niall: emmm, let me check

Harry: hope you are

Niall: I'm just watching the golf how?

Harry: Louis is freaking sick, mate! And im leaving around one... Thgt U cld watch over him

Harry: pls can you???

Niall: but golf 🏌️‍♂️

Harry: I'll buy you a golf stick, a new one

Zayn: What do you mean Louis is sick


Harry: he has sore head

Harry: I'm worried

Harry: 🙁

Niall: emmmm I guess but does he really need supervised for a sore head?

Harry: he's so weak rn

Harry: :(( my baby is sick

Louis: I'm fine really....

Louis: just have a bit of a headache and a sore tummy but Harry's making it seem like I'm dying

Harry: stfu U are dying

Zayn: Hahahah well if Niall is busy I think I'm free


Louis: babe I'm fine!!!!!!!!!

Harry: realllyyyy????

Zayn: yeah

Harry: Zayn can you come over then??

Louis: I don't need anyone 😐🙄

Harry: babe

Harry: shut up

Louis: can you stop hitting me 😂

Niall: hahahahaha sorry mate but golf is more important

Zayn: liam??

Zayn: babe are we busy around 1?

Louis: liam say yes!!!

Liam: actually, if Louis is sick and he's gonna be alone then no, we aren't busy

Louis: fuck you

Harry: thanks Liam, I love you

Zayn: we will be there around 12:30?

Harry: yeahhh

Liam: shld I join

Zayn: yes

Louis: NO

Liam: YAssss I'm coming too then

Niall: this is too funny

Zayn: ☺️

Harry: Neil. Fo.

Louis: I hate all of you

Liam: ☺️☺️

Harry: love you too Louissss

Louis: I'm going for a shit

Niall: I didn't need to know that

Zayn: wow 😮

Harry: are U sure you'll be okay Louis?

Louis: perfectly fucking fine

Liam: he's just going to shit harry

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