group texts pt. 1

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Niall has added liam, louis and harry to a group chat

Niall: SUP

Louis: why are we here???

Liam: a grup chat!!!!

Harry: honestly idk

Niall: when are we getting the band back together boys?

Liam: okay bye

Louis: fuck off niall

Harry: uhhh why are we having this conversation

Niall: because I miss you guys

Liam: you are on a freaking tour, Niall, a tour

Louis: really lad?

Niall: I was trying to be nice

Harry: uh huh okay then

Liam: we'll meet soon, ni 🙌🏼

Niall: yay!! 😁

Liam: but not now

Liam: :)

Niall: I'm busy so... soon

Niall: what you all doingggg

Louis: sitting alone back home

Harry: trying not to snap Mitch's head off

Louis: aw baby what's he doing?

Liam: 😅 in Dubai rn

Niall: I'm watching golf

Harry: uhh nothing actually, blasting music in my room

Liam: thats what you do niall

Louis: aw, is it annoying you little one?

Niall: shut up lima

Harry: yeah a lot..

Niall: Lol "little one"

Harry: but I'm cool with it

Harry: :(

Louis: Tell him I told him to stop

Harry: you think he'll listen

Liam: Niall U shut up

Louis: I'll make him listen

Liam: I'm sooo tired

Niall: Well Harry's not little 😂

Louis: go to sleep then u dick

Harry: lol sure your height don't even meet his waist

Liam: bad move, Harry, bad move

Louis: :/

Harry: 😅 I was kidding

Niall: Well then...

Louis: no you weren't

Niall: OH SHIT, what did I do?

Harry: I was..

Liam: Niall don't type in mid, it's so confusing

Louis: you always say I'm small and I'm not small

Niall: I can do what I want!

Harry: for me you are..

Louis: that's because you're a fucking giant

Liam: Neil fuck off U ugly Irish Leprechaun

Harry: ah I am

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