Chapter 4:

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"What about Kellin?" I asked, trying to swallow the lump thats growing in my throat. 

"Well um, we're at this party. And some girl walked up to him. And at first they were talking, but then it turned into them making out, and i think she's groping him. Please don't be mad at me. I just thought you should know." Justing tells me, you can hear the pain in his voice. 

" No I'm not mad at you. Thanks for telling me." I say to him and then hang up the phone.

I stay up the whole night processing what Justin told me. I didn't want to believe it. But after searching aroud Alternative Press and Kerrang! I found out it was true. I laid in bed, cuddling to Kellin's pillow, and cried. Letting out every emotion I've been feeling these past few hours. Hurt, anger, sadness, but mostly like I wasn't good enough for Kellin. I ended up crying myself to sleep.  

I woke up the next morning mad. Not so much at myself, but at Kellin for not telling the girl to stop. Any pictures of us that we had taking over the past few months i burned. After doing this i broke down crying. Tired of moping around i decided to call the one person who I'll know who would help me. Vic. 

"Hello?" He answers after the third ring. 

"Come over?" I aske him.

"Why Juliet? Whats going on?" He asked me. 

"Please just come over. I need your help." I beg him. I hear him sigh into the phone and then he finally agrees to come over. 

"Mike and I will be over in about 10 minutes." Vic says and hangs up the phone. 

I walk up the stairs and grab my suitecases, and then make us some snacks for while we're packing. About five minutes after making the snacks there was a knock on the door. 

"Hey, come in." I tell them and open the door for them. 

"Alright so whats going on?" Vic asked. 

"Im leaving." I state bluntly. 

"Well we noticed that. Care to inform us on why?" Mike stated. 

"Kellin cheated on me. So I'm leaving him." I snapped at them, "Wait, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. Its just I'm pissed and upset and stressed, I have no where to stay," I say and then start to cry. 

"Juliet, It's fine. You can stay with us until you find out something to do, it's no problem." Mike said While hugging me. 

We spent the next two hours packing my bags and messing around. 

" Kellin will be here in the next two hours." Vic says while checking his watch. 

" Cmon Vic, lets take the bags to the car. We'll be back in 10 minutes." Mike says and him and Vic grab some bags. 

I walk around the house taking things in, incase he changes it up. I look around for paper and a pen and wrote Kellin a note. 


I know you didn't mean any harm, but i can't go on pretending like we are fine. You did what you did and it might take a while for me to forgive you. I still love you so much and I hope we can work this out. I'll be at Mike and Vic's house for a while. Give me some time. Please. I love you James Dean. <3 Audrey Hepburn." 

"Are you ready to go?" Vic asked while I was putting the note on the fridge. 

"Yeah, come on." I say and walk up to the front. I turn around to look at the house once more before I leave. I let out a sigh, and leave the house for who knows how long. 

                                        * Kellin's POV* 

I walk into the house and find it disturbingly quiet. I walked around the house and noticed that all of Juliet's things were gone. I walk into the kitchen and see a note on the fridge. 

' Kellin,

I know you didn't mean any harm, but I can't go on pretending like we are fine. You did what you did and it might take a while for me to forgive you. I still love you so much and I hope we can work this out. I'll be at Mike and Vic's house for a while. Give me some time. Please. I love you James Dean. <3 Audrey Hepburn.' The note read. 

I spent the next ten mintues trying to figure out what I did. My thoughts got interuppted by a banging on the door. 

"Yeah who is it?" I yelled out from the dining room table.

" Mike man, let me in." He yells back. 

"Just walk in, the doors unlocked." I yelled back to him and then i heard the door open and close and then him walking up to me. I stand up to give him a man hug but he shoves me against the wall. 

"What the fuck man?!" I yelled at him. 

"Don't 'what the fuck man' me. I should beat your ass right now, but i won't. I'll let you explain." He says. 

"Okay honestly? I don't remember that night at all, only what the magazines and fans say." I tell him. 

"You really don't rememeber?" Mike asks and looks at me suspisiously. 

"No, not at all." I tell him. 

"Justin called Juliet 2 nights ago and said that you were making out with some girl from the bar. Then hours later, the fans were sending her pictures of you and the girl on twitter. I came over to beat your ass, but since you 'don't remember' I'll let it slide." He says mocking me when saying 'don't remember. " But just so you know, shes been crying her eyes out the past few hours." He adds. 

"Can you just tell her that I'm sorry and i love her?" I ask Mike. He noddes his head yes, but something in his eyes tells me he wont. 

"Give her space." He says while letting me go. I nod at him and he walks away from me into the front. 

" I don't believe you. I think you're holding something back. I'll let you tell her when you're ready though." He says and walks out the door. 

If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey HepburnWhere stories live. Discover now