Chapter 5:

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                                        Juliet's POV

"Do you know where Mike went?" I asked Vic from the couch in the living room, my voice hoarse from crying so much. 

" Um, he told me he was going to get us food. But that was like thirty minutes ago. And he can't be with Alysha, they broke up. He's pretty pissed at Kellin, but I doubt he went there. And Jaime and Tony are with their girlfriends so i dont know." Vic replied. 

We sat in silence until Mike came home. 

"Where were you?" I asked as he made his way into the living room. 

" Out." He replied while lifting my head and setting it on his lap. 

We sat in silence watching Ridiculousness. It was going good until my stomach made a noise that sounded like a dying whale. 

"Are you hungry?" Mike asked, clearly amused by the noise my stomach made. 

" Yeah, I thought you you were going to get food, so i didn't eat anything." I tell him with an unamused face. 

"Well lets go get food?" He suggested. 

"I guess. Vic, do you want anything?" I asked while standing up and stretching. 

"No. I'm fine." He says, not looking up from guitar. 

"Let me get changed and brush my hair and then we can go." I tell him. Mike nods and I go upstairs into the bathroom. 

I look a myself in the mirror and i look terrible. I wash my face to remain any dried up tears on my face. I put on some eyeliner and did a swipe of mascara on my eyelashes. I brush my hair and put it into a high pony tail. I change out of my sweatpants and sweatshirt and put on a black maxi skirt, and a white tanktop on. When i walk downstairs i see Mike sitting on the couch waiting impatiently. 

"Ready to do?" I ask standing infront of him.

"I was ready 10 minutes ago."He says while laughing. 

"Then come on." I say and pull him up from the couch. 

" Vic! We'll be back later." Mike yell into the kitchen. 

We walk to Mike's car and he hold the door open for me to get in. After Mike gets in the car we start driving. 

"So where are we eating at?" I asked him.

"Well, I thought i could take the lovely lady on a hot date to McDonalds." He says while winking at me. 

"And who said that this was a date?" I ask, joking with him. 

" You cant deny my good looks. I knew from the start that you wanted to be with me." He says and i start to laugh at him.  

We finally pull up at McDonalds and Mike opens the door for me again. 

" You know my arms arent broken, i can open the door myself." I say, and laugh, 

"Whatever. Lets just go get something to eat." He says and play shoves me. 

We walk into McDonalds and I see Jesse's red hair from afar. We order our food and Mike has me go pick out a place for us to sit. As I'm walking around I see the rest of Sleeping With Sirens. 

"Hey Juliet!" Justin yells to me. 

"Dude, you're not funny." Kellin says to him, oblivious to the fact that I was standing behind him. 

"Hey Justin." I said back to him. Kellin turned around and he look horrible. 

" Hey Juliet." Kellin said, not looking at me. But you can hear the hurt in his voice. 

"Hey Kellin." I replied to him. Before he could reply Mike walked up to me. 

"So did you pick out where we are going to sit?" Mike asked. 

"You can sit here with us if you want to."Gabe offers. Mike looks at me and i nod in approval.  

As I'm eating my food i feel my phone vibrate with a text. 

From Mike: I see the way you're staring at him. Go talk to him. 

To Mike: I can't. What if he doesn't wanna talk to me. 

Before Mike can reply to me Kellin speaks up. 

"Hey Juliet, can we talk?" I nod my head not wanting to start to cry. 

We stand up and walk to another booth away from the guys. We sit in an awkward silence before Kellin speaks up. 

"I know you don't wanna talk yet, but i feel like we've let this go on for too long." He starts. 

"Thats why we walked over here." I tell him. 

"Look, I dont remember all of that night, only what the guys told me and what the fans said happened." He said, starting to explain. 

"Well, tell me what you do remember." I snapped, getting annoyed by him. 

"I remember drinking, a lot, and then that girl came up and started to talk to me. I had a few drins after that, and then i guess we kissed." Kellin said looking at his hands. Something tells me that there is more than he is telling me. 

"Would you have told me if Justin didn't?" I questioned him. I waited for him to answer me, but he didn't. "You would've told me right?" I asked again, and once again he never answered me. 

"Oh my god, you wouldn't have told me!" I exclaimed in disbelief. 

" I dont know. I probably would've, if i remembered." He told me. 

"What do you mean 'probably'?" I asked him. More annoyed than ever. 

"Goddammit! I don't know if i would've told you. With the way you're questioning me now. I wouldn't have." He snapped. I stood up and slapped him in the face before running out of there. 

Once I get out of there i start pacing infront of Mike's car. It takes Mike a while before he finally comes out and when he did he had my food in a bag. 

"What did I do to deserve this?" I asked Mike. 

"Nothing, you did absolutly nothing to deserve this Juliet. He didn't know that he had a good thing. And when it was finally gone he realized it was too late." Mike says hugging me, trying to comfort me. 

"Can we just go? I'm tired and i think he's about to come out here and talk to me." I ask Mike. 

"Yeah, lets go." He agrees and we get into his car. 

We pull out of the parking lot before Kellin can come out and try to talk to me. 

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