Chapter 13

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How did I find myself near the running track? Did I want to see Aso? I shook the thought away. Of course you don't, dummy! You just wanted some fresh air. Yes, but why here? "caaaaan I help you....?" I jumped, the voice breaking up the argument in my head. Aso was standing behind me, his arms folded and his gaze friendly. "Um... No! Just needed some fresh air!" "That doesn't sound bad." Aso commented. I could do with a walk." No! "We havnt really gotten to know each over well." I nodded slowly. "Come on! Race you to the garden." He took off before I understood what thoes words ment. "Hey! Wait!" I gasped. I started running after him." I overtook him just before the garden. As I did he shoved me. I flew throught the air and landed in the hedge. "Hey!" I protested, trying to losen myself from the sticks curved around my body. "I win!" Aso cheered and crouched in front of the hedge I has in. "How could you?" I gasped but then I laughed. For what seemed like the first time ever. It was real laughter. "Well, I know your tough." Aso commented. "So I figured, 'why not push her into the hedge?" I smiled and let him pull me out. His eyes were still bright with laugher. His eyes where blue. I wish I never noticed. We spent the rest of the afternoon in the garden, pranking the garden club members and talking. We looked up as the sun started to set. "Well we should leave." Aso suggested. "Sports club starts soon, and I think the garden club is going to have a fit if we keep messing up their stuff." I chuckled. "Bye." I said. "Cya." He replied. He had only walked a few paces when he turned around, his eyes serious. "You know, I would put my life on the line for you, if it ever came to that." My blood ran cold. He turned and jogged away. 

"How's it going?" I looked at info kuns text message. "Ok." I replied. "Good. I want to warn you." He said. "Someone's after you." "Your saying this now?" "Yes. I wanted to be sure." "Who is it?" my phone went dead. Are you kidding me? I gasped. I fumbled in my bag for a charger. I pulled it out and ran downstairs. I raced into an empty class room and plugged my phone in. After five  minutes it turned on. I had no messages. Fuming with rage I went scrolled through my messages. Info kun never sent me anything.

800 VEIWS. HOW. I'm almost up to 1000!!! (I've never had 1000 on any social media! I feel like I'm spending more time with the characters, and that either a good thing, or a good thing. Because it's good that you get attached, but it's also bad that you get attached, dun dun duuun!!!

Baka, out! 

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