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It was a dark, cloudy evening in the middle of September. A bit chilly, as the days were becoming shorter and the winds colder, but both Chanyeol and I loved that kind of temperature. It gave this pleasant sting that ran up my arms and back. We'd met up a few hours ago at the park, as couples so often do. However, most of the couples that had been walking around had already gone somewhere else. Not Chanyeol and I, though. We were still out here, and neither of us seemed to want to leave. He seemed so calm and happy, not at all like the disturbed young man he in fact was. With intense aggression, an obsession with me, and the fact he was a high school dropout, neither my parents nor me actually thought the two of us could have a future together. boyfriend looked so joyous and plain up NORMAL that it hurt thinking about what I was about to tell him.

We were walking in silence. Chanyeol's hands were in his pockets, and mine were around my waist. My mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts. Should I wait until later? Or tell him now that we were through? What would he react with?

Now or never. You know he won't let you go unless you make him, Y/N.

"Channie?" The name suddenly sounded so...unfamiliar. Like it wasn't supposed to be in my mouth. Chanyeol probably heard it too, judging from the way his brows furrowed and how he suddenly stopped walking. "Are you okay?" he asked. He'd always been able to tell when something serious was on my mind. I nodded, before hesitating midway and shaking my head instead. "No? What's wrong?" I swallowed deeply, trying to make my voice audible. "There's something...I need to tell you." Saying those words ached, and not just because my voice cracked. Was I about to break up with my boyfriend of two years? Yeah, he had his issues, but he'd never hurt me. You're afraid that he's going to. That's not right.

Chanyeol came a bit closer, crossing his arms while looking suspiciously at my eyes, which were avoiding his. "Tell me, Y/N."

I shut my eyes, inhaling rapidly.

"Tell me."

Don't make time do this. I regret it, I regret it, I regret it.


"I can't be with you anymore!" I covered my mouth in an instant, horrified that the words I needed to say were blurted out in such a way. All the same, the damage was done, and I knew I couldn't take it back now. The expression on his face was a mix between shock, anger and confusion. "Wh...what?" It looked like he'd just fallen of the moon. "I...can't." My hands had started to shake.

"I'm...I'm...sorry. You're just not right for me."

Chanyeol grabbed my wrist, and pulled me closer so I impacted with his chest. "I promise you-" he said, and lowered his head so I heard every little word that escaped his lips. His breath tickled my earlobe, and I shivered.

"-one day, I'll be right for you. And if not...well, I won't give you a choice. Someday, Y/N, I'll be a person you can't say no to."

"Let go of me!" I tried to pull away, but it was no use. "One day..." he continued, his voice becoming threatening and intimidating. "I'll be the only person you have left. You'll love me, as I love you."

I bit back a need to slap him. Chanyeol had no idea where the limit was, as I'd always been the one to hold him back from doing things like getting into fights and hurting others. "Let go..." I whispered.

"And you can never leave me."

I tried to yank my hand out of his, but he was too strong. "Stop it, Chanyeol! I don't love you anymore, and I'm done with y-you, so...don't!" He smirked, and finally let go. I used the opportunity to immediately start running the opposite direction, warm tears already pooling in my eyes.

"But I'm not done with you."

Okay! This launches one of the first small fanfictions on my WattPad! I'm currently working on several, and I'll have a poll of which one I will start posting once Beautiful Broken Things is done. These fanfictions won't be very long. Think of them as longer one-shots, but in several chapters to keep y'all on edge. If you have any ideas as to how many chapters I should have, or how long they should be, let me know  in the comments or privately! I'm always up for suggestions.


Beautiful Broken ThingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon