Small Announcement!

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Hello again!

So we just passed 500 reads on this story! I guess some might see it as a very minor achievement, but I'm practically over the moon right now. I never thought this story would become my most popular fanfiction, and it means so much that people are still discovering it.

Seeing as it is gaining popularity, I decided to create a few videos to go along with it on my YouTube channel. Think of it as a teaser/trailer type of video, similar to the teasers put out before a comeback. There will be three in total; one for Chanyeol, one for your character, and one for Baekhyun's or Jongin's (not entirely sure which one I'll do yet, let me know if there's something you prefer).

This is the link to the first video:

Please enjoy the first entry, and keep an eye out for when I'll upload the next ones as I won't mention it here. I'm not a professional by any standards, but I did do my best and hope it's not that painful to watch.

Yours truly, bodacious baekon.

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