Chapter Eight

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The world was still pitch black when I woke up. Still cold, still empty. If it hadn't been for my uncomfortable position in what had to be a room made completely out of stone, I would've thought I was floating too. Maybe even suspected I was dead. That would, to be fair, be the better choice than the mess I was currently in. "Hello?" No answer. I looked down at my hands, just barely visible in the darkness. The handcuffs were gone, but the aching pain from the cut I hadn't felt back then was still there. Oh God, the diner... Were those people dead now? What if Jongin, Minseok and Jongdae had met the same fate? It took all I had not to break down crying, distraught over this chaos my life had spiraled into. I should've refused to help Jongin, I should've just taken off so this never would've happened. Maybe, if I had been given more time to adjust to these situations, it would have been easier to handle. But life didn't give you time, it just keeps putting more and more pressure on you until you snap like a twig.

Who knew how much time passed. I fell asleep a few times, not brave enough to look around for an exit. Even if I had found one, I wouldn't have gotten far. To be honest, I wasn't even sure if I was in the Extraterrestrial. What if I was in some other city or even country? There was nothing to prove I was, but there was still nothing to prove I wasn't.  Either way, it was the room I was currently in that was my problem. My biggest one, at least. I shifted over so I was facing my left, and shut my eyes again. Sleep was my only escape.


"Y/N." Someone shook my shoulders. "Get up. He wants to see you." I groaned, squinting against the sudden light from my right. It's source seemed to be a door, a few meters away. Thankfully, -or maybe not so much, all things considered- the person who was trying to make me get up shielded me slightly. His torso was shaped like a Dorito, he smelled like vanilla, and he possessed quite a melodic voice. Approximately five seconds went before I realized who it was, and I jumped backwards so quickly my head banged against the wall. Sehun sighed, wrapped his hand around my wrist and dragged me up with him. I tried to pull away, but knew it was impossible. 

He yanked me out of the dark room and into the hallway. Using my own other hand, I shielded my eyes. There was a slight tingle in my ears from the sound all around, and I knew I was disoriented. Where or when I was was, to my dismay, a mystery. I had never been a psychologist, but I knew for a fact that when you put a human alone in the dark in complete despair, they could be a little messed up afterwards. It was clear, however, that Sehun was unaware of that. "Wait..." I mumbled, trying to stop. "We don't have the time, Y/N."

So on the brink of collapsing, I was dragged through a bunch of hallways, up a flight of stairs, through a door and into an elevator. Once it reached its destination, we walked through a crap ton of other hallways. I was too tired to pay attention to what they looked like, but a few things were clear. The first was that I had made my official, yet unwilling return to the Extraterrestrial. The second? It was night. It had definitely been a while since I first woke up, meaning it tomorrow was Monday. A wave of panic hit me when I realized that I was going to miss school. Why was that my biggest concern? Good question.

My feet were aching, my head was aching, but I was a lot more awake. Sehun had released me, because as I was now painfully aware of the low chance of escaping, he clearly didn't feel the need anymore.

"Here." he said all of a sudden, and I stopped.

Sehun turned towards a large door. I took a few moments to look at it and the hallway, which was a clean black. Even the ceiling. The floor under my feet was covered by a carpet, and small, electric wall scones were lighting up every inch. Windows were opening us up to the world outside on each end of the hallway. Small lights spotted the night sky and the city, making me feel powerful despite of everything around.

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