Chapter Ten

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Three, whole days had a passed. Three long, painful, sad days since Jongin had sacrificed himself for Chanyeol and me. According to everyone who'd been looking, Jongin had tried to force the gun out of Baekhyun's hands, which had led to the barrel being pressed against his stomach when it went off. Chanyeol's bullet had gone through Baekhyun's head, something that didn't make me sad in the slightest.

Things had been chaotic during the following days. Kyungsoo had to be drugged right after Jongin died to prevent him from hurting anyone, especially himself. I passed out and remained asleep for approximately a day. Jongdae, Minseok, Junmyeon and Yixing went to therapy, while Sehun stayed to do his duty in repairing the Extraterrestrial's broken system. The few people who had been supportive of Baekhyun had been found dead all over town within twenty-four hours. The police issued an order of arrest on the people doing it, though they were happy he was gone.

Kyungsoo had to go to a psychologist for three hours for those three days to prepare himself for the funeral. I, of all people, seemed to be who he found comfort in. He'd tell me stories of everything they'd done, like all the times Jongin had surprised him outside his work and how he'd had no idea that Kyungsoo knew what Jongin did for a living. It was heartbreaking to listen to, and the first day, I didn't know who I could confide in about all the pain I was dealing with. At least at first.

Chanyeol had been the person responsible for all the deaths around, and had been gone until a few hours after I woke up. It was difficult, of course, having to run an entire club/gang by himself. Once Minseok's condition improved, both mentally and physically, he was given Baekhyun's position and was gone most of the time as well. There were a few gangs in the area that had to forge new alliances with the Extraterrestrial, since the original contracts were made with Baekhyun. And amongst the chaos, I couldn't help but feel like I was to blame.

Until the day before Jongin's funeral. I'd been sitting in a bedroom in the Extraterrestrial, because my apartment brought too many memories with it. One thing was certain about it, I'd never let anyone replace my bathroom tiles.

There came a knock on my door. I put away the notebook where I was trying to figure out a eulogy that did Jongin justice, and opened carefully. One could never be too paranoid these days.

"Y/N?" Chanyeol was standing outside, looking down at me with an unexplainable mix of relief, worry, sorrow and happiness. I didn't blame him. He'd lost a friend, lost his second, and according to Minseok, found his long lost love, aka me. Things had become complicated.

"Chanyeol." I said, opening the door further to let him enter. His hair was damp, and his black V-neck t-shirt was soaked between his shoulder blades. He was wearing dark, loose jeans, reminiscent of the ones he'd worn the night I broke up with him. What a stupid mistake that was.

"You okay? I haven', we haven't talked in a while." He turned, drying a few drops of water from his forehead.

I sat down on the bed, sighing as I laid down. "I know. I'm sorry, Channie."

He chuckled, sitting down next to me. "You haven't called me that in so long." We exchanged a gaze, peering at each other.

"I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too." I said, honest. Then I sat up, looking at my ex-boyfriend. "How did you become the leader of this place?" It was an on-the-spot question, but it was a question I needed an answer to.

Channie bit his lip, scratching one of his pointed ears in deep thought. "Well...I left the country for a while after we broke up. I joined a  gang, recruited Yixing, Minseok and Baekhyun, before coming here to set up my own gang. Junmyeon, Sehun and...Jongin, joined after a while."

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