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I got poked by luciferstempest 's pitchfork!

I got poked by luciferstempest 's pitchfork!

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1. Favorite fandom villain and why?
I found the Leviathan pretty fascinating. I thought it was hilarious how they literally went into a business to turn the world in a private snack bar... and I love the quote from a certain Leviathan

"Everything tastes so much better with cheese." And that's true!

2. Favorite quote?

It's just extremely relatable 😂

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It's just extremely relatable 😂

3. Favorite band?
I have a lot!

But to name a few examples: Halestorm, Oh Sleeper, Asking Alexandria, Shinedown, Skillet.... et cetera

4. Fandom crush?
How dare you ask this of me

 Fandom crush?How dare you ask this of me

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5. First 100 songs from shuffle playlist
Eh. No way am I gonna do this crap... I have better things to do XD

6. Main fandom
Obliviously it's Scooby-Doo!

Just look at my username, bio and everything... it's all dedicated to that wonderful talking dog!

 it's all dedicated to that wonderful talking dog!

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Yup. It's definitely Scooby-Doo!

7. Favorite genre
Genre of what? Be more clear!

Books - paranormal & fantasy (and Supernatural fanfiction of course!)
Music - probably metal
Movies - fantasy & horror & animation
TV-show - Supernatural

8. Favorite color
Today it's blood red

9. Singer you don't regret listening to
Oh, Sleeper for instance

10. 5 random facts
~ Out of the two Winchester brothers it's Dean I relate to the most

~ I really cannot chose on whether I love Lucifer or Gabriel more... I have a serious dilemma going on

~ Scoobynatural was worth every second of the wait, I honestly loved it - I am kinda disappointed that Gabriel wasn't the cause of it though, that would have been perfect, but at least he comes back next episode

~ I am honestly terrified for the episode titled 'Beat The Devil' - I am gonna die. I already finished digging my own grave ☠️

~ Lucifer is precious


Flee stage Lucifer
*breaks a plate*

Hugs and knives,
- Luci

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