Lets Play (LuciferxReader)

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"Ooomph!" Was the first thing that you let out as the baseball hits you straight in the stomach. Crowley who was batting starts running, towards first base. While one of the other demons screams at you, "Human! Over here. Throw the ball over here!" You glare at him and in the process of throwing it you scream back, "It's (Y/N). You little piece of garbage!" But by the time the demons co-ordinate Crowley has already made it to home base. "You little demons can't beat me. I'm the king of Hell!" That was the third game you had lost to Crowley and his goons.

Rubbing your aching stomach you walk over to the bench and silently call out to your boyfriend, Lucifer. You did kind of need his help because the rest of the team wasn't listening to you just because you were human. You look for the ice pack for your stomach but instead feel a very cool hand rubbing your wound for you. Scared you turn around and find Lucifer smiling at you and you immediately wrap your arms around him and kiss him lightly on the lips. He stays there for a minute before taking the Captains hat off of you and standing in front of his teams who are bowing there heads in respect.

"Let's go out there and kill that British accented toad." He winks at you before running off to win you games to help you feel better.
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Masooma Ali 33

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