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Together, We Worry

Fortunately for the Konoha team, Sasuke and Lee also managed to bring a few Kumogakure ninjas to help out.

As Sasuke slashed through with ease using his katana, his eyes searched for Sakura. He sensed her chakra and when he finally spotted Hinata and Sakura, he narrowed his eyes. What the hell? Why was Hinata healing her?

"Did you guys get the scrolls to the Raikage?" Kiba asked as he took a punch at a rebel.

"Yes! The Kumogakure security forces are here now, so let's get back to Konoha!" Lee insisted as he kicked his way through a group of rebels that were attacking him.

"We've got it from here!" One of the Kumogakure ninjas shouted out. "You guys can retreat back to Konoha and we'll take care of everything! We'll send notice if things get out of hand!"

The Konoha team all nodded and one by one, jumped away from the battle scene.

Sasuke immediately rushed over to Hinata and Sakura, with the others following close behind.

"What happened here?" He bent down and placed his hand on Sakura's forehead.

"She's poisoned."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and Hinata saw a hint of worry flash across his face. "...how bad is it?"

"I'm doing my best to slow down the spreading. We must get back to Konoha as soon as possible." Hinata replied.

"Get on. You can keep concentrated on healing Sakura." Kiba patted on Akamaru, insisting that she and Sakura rest on top of Akamaru's back.

Sasuke slowly picked Sakura up and placed her onto Akamaru's back and then Hinata also hopped on, keeping her chakra focused on Sakura's wound.

"My transportation jutsu should save us some time. I can't transport us back all the way to Konoha, but I'll be able to transport us near the border of the Land of Fire." Sasuke said as he started the hand signs for his jutsu. "Everyone come closer. I can only transport all of us if we're in close proximity."

Within a few moments, a quick flash of light blinded everyone for a slight second and they all found themselves back in the forest.

"How long until we reach Konoha?" Ino asked eagerly, looking down anxiously at Sakura.

"We should be able to get back to the village by tomorrow night." Sasuke also kept his gaze on Sakura. He reached over and held her hand, squeezing it gently. "We will not camp out. Lady Hinata, I know the jutsu is weaking your body...but please endure it for a while longer. The sooner we get to the village, the sooner we can save her."

Hinata nodded in agreement. "No worries. I can manage."

With that being said, they all dashed ahead towards Konoha. Though Hinata reassured everyone that she was going to be fine, she felt like she would faint at any moment. Using the two healing jutsu at the same time while her chakra was still low was dangerous.

She knew that once they got back to the village, she will barely have enough chakra to sustain her own body temperature. She glanced down at her hands that were hovered above Sakura's abdomen and noticed that her own skin was getting pale and her fingers were trembling. She could literally see the color of her blue chakra channeling through her veins towards Sakura's body.

Hinata clenched her teeth together and closed her eyes tightly. Right now, she knew she was risking her own life...but she had to keep focused on healing Sakura at least until they reached the Konoha gates.

Sasuke kept glancing back every once in a while to see how Sakura was doing. If Hinata was at it for this long, there was no doubt that this poison was very life-threatening.

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