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Together, We Help

Naruto woke up, frantic, and panicking.

...because it was morning. He actually slept through the whole freaking night. And it was already noon.

"That damn Shikamaru!" He growled and slipped on his Hokage robe before dashing out of the Hokage resident to his office. He was mad that he overslept, but he was even more annoyed that Shikamaru didn't even bother to come wake him up. So much for a "quick nap."

"Shit." He groaned, knowing that there will be a new, highly stacked pile of documents for him and there will probably be notification reports and files along with that, too. Sometimes he felt more like an office secretary than an actual Hokage...he didn't realize that there was so much paperwork involved.

'Now I know why Tsunade baa-chan was always so irritated...' He sighed and shook his head. Once he reached the Konoha Headquarters, he made his way up to the Hokage office.

Sure enough, when he opened the door, he let out a small shout of frustration when he saw the pile of paperwork on his desk.

"Morning, Hokage." Shikamaru came up from behind him.

"What the hell! You let me sleep through the whole evening and through the whole night! Why didn't you come wake me!?"

"You needed to rest." Shikamaru shrugged and handed him a small batch of yellow envelopes. "Those came from the trade stocks center this morning. They need you to review over them and sign your name to give them permission to start a trade route to Iwagakure."

Naruto rolled his eyes, even more annoyed by the fact that Shikamaru totally ignored his rants. He snatched them from Shikamaru's grip and walked to sit down at his desk.

"What's the situation with the neighboring villages. Did any of them respond?"

"As of now, no villages are requesting for any protection. They also want to wait two days to see if there's any suspicious activities...they don't want to use extra resources and waste the time of our shinobi if there isn't even going to be an attack."

Naruto sighed and leaned back on his chair. "Alright, then. And the hospital?"

"Medical supplies have been replenished."

"Security headquarters?"

"The border guards are still on watch and they're checking the perimeter outside Konoha every 3 hours."

"Anything from the ninja academies?"

"Besides from the recent promotion of the children to Genin, there's nothing to report."

"...good." Naruto stood up and looked out at the village. "The team should be arriving back tonight. I get to see Hinata again." He smiled, all his negative thoughts vanishing at the thought of her.

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow when Naruto suddenly turned around to face him, with his eyes shining. "Oh yea! When is the marriage date for you and Temari?" He sighed at that troublesome question. Sure, he loved Temari and sure, he knew that she was the one that he wanted to spend his life with, but he just hated when people got all nosy into their relationship. And of course, Naruto was the most nosiest person he knew.

"In four months."

Naruto's jaw dropped. "But...but that's so long! If you love someone, wouldn't you want to get married right away?"

"Ehh...not really. It could wait." Shikamaru shrugged.

"Wha? How can you say, that, though? It would only make sense if you want to get married as soon as possible because you want to be with that person, right? You two should definitely push the wedding date to be earlier." Naruto grinned hopefully at him. It'd be both weird and exciting to see a man such as Shikamaru to get married and settle down.

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