Paladins, get ready!

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Omg thank you guys for 1K+ reads!! I never thought that I would get that many! Guess I should start posting more often
  After a while of talking with the princess, and figuring out who's lion is who's, the men head out. Keith stays behind still searching for his lion. Allura, along with Coran's help, find the red lions coordinates. Shiro and pidge come back in the green lion as Lance comes back in blue and hunk comes back in the yellow lion.

Keith: (walks up to Shiro) we found the red's on a galra ship
Shiro: hmm...where are the coordinates

Allura shows Shiro the coordinates and soon enough they head for the ship to retrieve the lion. They all have to split up in order to get the lion safely

Shiro: (putting his hand on Keith's shoulder) Keith remember, patience yields focus.

Keith gets a soft smile on his face and nods reassuringly to Shiro before running off. Shiro watches Keith leave while a growing blush forms on his cheeks.
Shiro and pidge go to find pidge's dad and brother. Keith finds out that the halls are mazes.

Keith:you gotta be kidding me! *growls softly*....patience...yields focus............gotcha.
Pidge and Shiro found a camera and reprogrammed it, naming it Rover.
Lance and hunk try to destroy the barrier on the ship.

Keith: found ya. Okay, open up. It's me, Keith, your's meee, keeeeef, your-I am your paladiiiin!

Soon enough, galran robots come and attack Keith.


After a long battle and almost getting thrown into space, the red lion finally connects with Keith. Shiro and Pidge save the prisoners, figuring out that Shiro has a magic arm. Hunk is finally able to break the barrier and destroy the cannon.
They are able to get the black lion successfully, but the Galra attack the castle.
After a major obstacle, of course by the galra, they form Voltron due to shiros speech and defeat the galran ship.

Sorry this took so long to post, it's during state testing and oof the stress. This has literally been typed out over many days because of school. Anyways, hopefully after testing I'll be able to post more often!

Daddy~ (Shiro x Keith) Where stories live. Discover now