What happened?

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Keith slowly wakes up and gets dressed in his normal clothes. He goes to open the door and runs right into a large chest.

Keith: gah-sorry
Shiro grabs Keith from under his arms and holds him steady. Keith stumbles and gets his balance and looks up at Shiro. He stares into shiros sparkling eyes that are filled with so much emotion yet he keeps most of it behind a wall.

Shiro: I actually..wanted to talk to you about something
Keith: y-yeah sure

They both compose themselves before going back into Keith's room and sitting on the bed

Shiro: what..happened last night
Keith: what do you mean?
Shiro: ya know..the nightmare?

In a split second, everything rushed back to Keith. The nightmare. How could he forget. The burning of the building, his mom leaving him, his dad gone, what happened in the simulator...what would've happened if Shiro hadn't come in the simulator when he did. Fuck

Keith: it..was just a simple nightmare
Shiro: I know that's not true

Keith looks down at his shaky hands. He can trust Shiro...right?

Keith: it was..about my parents...

Should I tell him all of it?
Shiro lays a hand on his back and smiles at him reassuringly

Keith: and what happened during the simulator...

Shiro eyes slightly widen but quickly go back to normal
Shiro: you can trust me Keith. Take your time

Keith nods his head softly and continues on with his nightmare
Keith: my dad...he died in a fire...he was a firefighter and he went back into the fire to save a dog that was trapped in the home.

Shiro holds Keith close as he starts to stumble over his words and his voice is shaky.

Keith: and the simulator...w-what he did..I-..I
Shiro: you don't have to tell me. We saw the video footage.

Keith nods his head gently and buried his face in Shiro's shoulder. Shiro rubs his lower back and tries to calm him down.

Daddy~ (Shiro x Keith) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ