In my blood

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Omg Shawn dropped this recently and I'm so glad I listened to it. It's such an incredible and heartwarming song. Like how in the world does he do this? Have you seen the live btw? I'm even more in love with him than ever. He's just 😍😍😍
I'm so not okay. I've been playing this song so much lately that my family started begging for mercy. No kidding, I think my brother has the lyrics memorized by now.
This song made my day, my year, my life. I used to think that a little too much was the song but then IMB happened.
Words can't describe how I feel about it. It's too much to explain.

Can you hear that? This ladies and gentlemen is the song of the century. I even mentioned it in "my book of poems" (#shamelessselfpromo). It's so inspiring and powerful and honest and true and- Omg I just can't. I can't find enough words to describe it.

I know I should stop talking now but I just can't... it isn't in my blood.

Okay, okay I'll go.

Have a nice day/night.
And remember, don't give up.

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