Notre Dame de Paris (musical)

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You might be familiar with these characters if you've watched 'The humpback of Notre Dame' the plots are just slightly... different.

1. Le temps des cathedrales (The time of Cathedrals)
Power, power, and power... This song is the definition of a powerful song and vocals.

2. Bohemienne (It's basically the same word in English, I think)
My fave!!!! Can I just say that I love this song? Poor baby must have suffered so much. 😭😭😭

3. Danse mon Esmeralda (Dance my Esmeralda)
Garou is one of my favorite singer (don't ask me why) so him portraying Casi's feelings so well through his voice and all have made Casi one of my favorite characters from the show.

4. Les oiseaux qu'on met en cage (Caged birds):
My ult favorite song from the show. I really hope you like this one.

Do you like it? Then go watch the whole thing and we can fangirl together. Hahaha
See ya.

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