Dear mark~

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3/29/18 Dear mark~

Hi I know you don't know me so let me introduce myself. I am Y/N and I have been watching your videos for (insert how many years/months/days) now and I love them all. You always make me smile when I'm feeling down or having thoughts that I don't like thinking about. You make me feel like I'm not alone and not a freak. You have the kindest heart a great sense of humor and just make me so fucking happy! I wish I could just meet you just once and say all of this in person! Maybe that day will come some day. Another reason why I think your amazing is this community. Everyone is just so caring,kind and just so amazing! And I just love it all! So thank you mark Edward fishbach. Thank you for making me smile everyday. And happy 20 million subscribers. You deserve them all! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

                             Love Y/N a fan that will always stay with you 😊

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