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When I woke up I sat up against my headboard and tears started rolling down my cheeks. I miss my mom and dad. They were my everything, but a stupid drunk driver had to come and kill them. I grabbed one of my many pillows and threw it against my wall then laid back down. I cuddled my pillows as it soaked my tears. There was a knock on my door I said come in, my head still buried in my pillow. I looked through my hair and it was cam and Nash. "We were coming to wake you up since it's 8:30." They day as I rolled my eyes. They Still hadn't noticed I was crying. Well Nash didn't, I know dad had by the way he looked at me. Dad broke the silence "Hey Nash, can you get out for a sec?" "Sure," he walks out and my dad came over and sat down where I could see him. He pushes my hair out of my face that are soaked with tears. "Hey what's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing," I reply.  "OhI know that's not true," I picked my head up and laid it on his lap and cried. He ran his hand through my hair and just let me cry. Out of no where I started yelling "WHY DID HE HAVE TO HIT MY PARENTS CAR?! IT'S NOT FAIR, I SHOULD OF BEEN THE ONE WHO DIED! NOT THEM!" I picked my body up and sat on his lap and snaked my arms and legs around him and cried. He rubbed my back and rocked me. "Hey it's ok, your ok and you shouldn't have died, it is in no way your fault." I picked my head up off his shoulder my head hurt so bad all of a sudden. I realized right in that moment how lucky I was. I ran out of his lap and out of my room I ran downstairs and saw both jacks, Nash , Shawn , Taylor , Hayes , Aaron , Jacob , carter , and Brent they looked at me with a worried expression because I was still crying I ran to the jacks and Nash hugged them then to Taylor and Hayes hugged them then I did that with everyone. After I was done they looked at me in surprise I look behind me and see dad when did he get down here? Oh well I ran to him and hugged him to. The phone rang and it was there manger they talked when they came back they told me they where going on tour and I was going them. But I had to pack tonight we leave at 2am in the morning well that's gonna be hell and I fell asleep . Jack started waking me up by kissing my head that wasn't a good idea it was to early told him if he did it again I would cut his balls off and shove them down his throat that made him stop real quick he yelled for dad and dad came in jack told him what I said and dad yanked the covers off my body I groaned and sat up and dressed in sweat pants and dads sweat shirt and gat my little bag that had all my face mask and hair ties and all that good stuff I grabbed my suit case and makeup bag and headed down stairs. All the boys had already had their stuff in the tour bus I went out their and put my stuff in the space below the bus except my makeup bag and my bag with all the face mask and their stuff. When I stepped on that bus wearing harry Styles sweat pants and my dads merch sweat shirt I was not prepared of what I was gonna see when I had to where I could see everything one direction and 5 seconds of summer were on the bus holy shit they smiled I wanted to smile back but I was to shocked to move dad came over there and snapped my out of my trance I smiled back and walked to the rooms and put my stuff down then walked out I was gonna sit down on one of the couches but they were all full so I started bothering jack g you know the one I am dating yeah I took his phone he was on messages I looked he was texting this girl they were telling each other how much they love each other what the fuck I went through the messages he asked her out a day after he asked me out he told her how I was such a bitch and how I couldn't do anything right and she knew we were dating what the fuck I had tears pouring out of my eyes YOU JERK' I yelled I looked around everyone was looking at us. I looked back at him I slapped him before I could move he stood up *SLAP* he just hit me all the guys stood up and pushed me behind them they started yelling at each other. I dropped his phone to the ground and ran to the back of the bus I just the door and looked at the window and just let it all out I sobbed and banged my head against the window when the door opened I looked at saw it was Liam he sat beside me and started talking to me that ended up with me on his lap just crying into his shoulder he rocked me back and forth calming me down the door opened again and in comes my idol harry Styles with Louis and Niall and Zayn. Harry sits on one side of me and Zayn sits on the other I crawl off Liam's lap and into Harry's he wrapped his arms around me while Laid my head on his shoulder I was still crying the door opens yet again and the whole 5 second of summers band came in there they sat down where there was room after a while we just sat in silence I moved around and laid stretched out so my head was now on Zayn lap and my my bum was on Liam's  and my legs on Harrys lap and closed my eyes I really wasn't asleep when they started talking. I really feel bad for her I think Luke said yeah I know she's had to put up with all of this shit and when she felt like she had no one she listened to our music to help her cam said that She looks up to us so much I think harry said That . I rolled over the wrong way and fell off their Laps and into Luke's and Michaels by the way he's really squishy and most of my body was in his lap so I snuggled into him more and turned my body so my backside was up and my chest was pressed up against Luke's leg and the rest of my body was on Michael's my chest started hurting so I opened my eyes to see everyone staring at me what I said they just shook their head I turned to Michael and said your really squishy. Everyone laughed he rolled his eyes i sat up and turned to Luke and said you're fucking bony as hell I said he rolled his eyes. Then he door opens hitting Ashton in the back and in came Nash hey y'all he looked at me I was in between Liam's legs while his hand was running through my hair he rolled he eyes and laughed you gat them wrapped around your fingers already don't u' like I ring I said and we all laughed I gat up and went out everyone was in the main area including jack g he looked at me and rolled his eyes and he walked off and whispered in my ears a he walked by slut. I grabbed his shoulder and .....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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