The Other Direction {1D Fanfiction}

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Hello my peeps. It’s Jojo and here with my very first One Direction fan fiction! I had a blast writing this and I pray you guys like reading it. I will try to update whenever I can. Please leave your thoughts below it would make me update a lot of faster! A shout out to @iluvyou4ever for creating the cover! Go add her you guys she's awesome! Anyway, that’s enough of my babbling enjoy the story!

~Jojo ;D


    “Next” stated a voice that sent a million nervous shivers down my spine.

    A stage coordinator in charge of monitoring the line handed me a microphone.  I slowly walked onto the stage where Simon Cowell and the members of One Direction were staring curiously at me. A lump started forming my throat they were majorly attractive in person. I can’t believe I was actually doing this. Auditioning to be in the insanely popular british-irish boy band. Sweat beaded my brow as well as my entire body. I hoped my disguise as a male was convincing or else I could kiss my musical dream goodbye.

    To audition you have to be a guy. Before I entered the auditorium security guards patted me down or should I say ‘felt me up’ to see that I didn’t have any lady parts. Because so far six girls got caught trying to sneak in as dudes. It took them two whole minutes to finish their search and tell me that I was good. I released a sigh one that I hadn’t even realized I’ve been holding. That’s when Simon called me to the stage.

  Now was the moment that could potentially break me or make me. It was all or nothing.

   “What’s your name?” questioned Simon taking a drink of his coke product beverage. The lump in my throat was beginning to swell to a size of a grape.

 “Hello?” he said when I didn’t answer. My heart was beating like a rocket about to take flight. I inhaled a long breathe preparing my voice to sound manly.

 “Joc” I mumbled in the mic thinking it was a horrible ass name to be called. (A/N: For those that are named Joc please don’t take offense). My real name was Jocelyn Davis but sometimes people address me as Joc. I guess it was kind of my nick name.

 “Joc?” repeated Simon with a raise of his eyebrows. Beside him Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles chuckled but stopped when Simon shot them a look.


“Alrighty Joc what song are you going to sing?”

   I immediately blurted out ‘Torn’ by Natalie Imbruglia but was also sung by One Direction on the x factor. This earned mega smiles of approval from both Simon and the boys.

 “Lovely song choice you may begin when you’re ready” beamed Simon proudly and waited for me to start. Niall, Liam, Zayn wished me luck while Louis and Harry continued silently laughing. I ignored them and tried focusing on the song lyrics in my head. This song was perfect for me to perform especially after what I just went through.

     Two weeks ago I was kicked out of my high school band that was titled ‘Beyond the Stars’. I was the lead singer of the band and basically the manager. We were really talented as we always scored a gig. Eventually a recording label saw us live and wanted to sign us. Correction: they wanted to sign everyone except me. Apparently they didn’t like my leadership, raspy, deep singing voice that they claimed sounded like a dude’s or my wild style.

   My band mates had no choice but to get rid of me. They broke the news to me harshly and had not once dared apologized. Hell some even looked relieved and glad that I was leaving. It wasn’t fair I was the one that created the band. Without me ‘Beyond the Stars’ wouldn’t exist however they begged to differ and laughed at me. Anger boiled inside me but I fought it down and left with my heart shattering in pieces.

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