Chapter 8

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Hey my wonderful derps! Here’s another chapter like I promised! There’s only going to be about several chapters left before the story ends. But don’t worry there will be a sequel and it will be titled as ‘The Next Direction’. Yay! I’m so excited about that and I can’t wait to write it. I’m dedicating this fine chapter to OneDirecitonOMG! She has an amazing 1D fan fiction called The Academy and it’s bloody awesome! When you guys have time please go read it because my god it’s simply fantastic! School begins for me in a few days (Urgh!) I will try to update as best as I can. Well that’s all for right now my lovelies. See ya’ll later!



~*Joc’s POV*~

    Just one more stage and I could be joining music’s biggest sensation One Direction! I can’t believe how far I’ve come. Hours ago I was just plain ole Jocelyn Davis a girl that envisioned her dream but never actually had the guts to carry it out until now. Now was my moment to grab my dream by the ass and take full control of it. Because you only live once and when an opportunity like this presents itself you don’t let it run by you chase after it as fast as your two legs will allow.

   And I was going to do just that. I drowned my excitement that I advanced on to the last round a bit because Simon was busy explaining the instructions to us. Stage 3 is where us hopefuls are going to perform one last song that will determine if we are added to One Direction.

   I’ve already been thinking of the song I wanted to sing. The song is ‘I won’t give up’ by the artist Jason Mraz. I first heard it after my father died and it touched me in a way no song has ever achieved before. The song talked about a couple breaking up and the guy says he will never give up on the girl no matter what life throw his way.

   To me the song means something different I interpret it as an anthem for not quitting. An anthem to keeping moving on through the hard times and god will be right there to guide you. I needed this song especially at this moment and most importantly I wanted god to grant me confidence to perform it.

  Beside me Blade fidgeted uncomfortably as Simon dismissed us to thirty minutes to prepare for our solos.

  “Hey are you ok?” I asked watching him quiver largely.

   I have to say I wasn’t accustomed to seeing him like this. I’m so used to him being so confident and chilled. But I guess everyone gets jittery sometimes so I shouldn’t be shocked.

  “Y-yeah I’m fine it’s…j-just I never thought a guy like me would be given a chance like this”

   “I know what you mean” I muttered and was attacked with unpleasant memories as a child. Unpleasant memories that I tried to forget all these years but epically failed.


      I was sitting in the back of the class listening as other kids revealed what they wanted to be when they grow up. Today was share time and Mrs. Thompson my English teacher insisted that all of us participate. I hated talking in front of people and telling them something personal of mine.

  It made me feel totally exposed and very vulnerable. But I had a D- in this class and if I took part in the activity it will raise my grade up to a C. So I basically had no choice.

   It was Madison Mathews turn to tell us her dream. She was a petite brunette with soulful baby blues and a shy smile. She was also the most quietist person in the class so I was curious to hear her talk because I never had before.

The Other Direction {1D Fanfiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora