Chapter 6

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Ello my derps! So here’s chapter 6 and I’m happy to inform you guys that the audition stage is coming to an end. So you better prepare yourself for some awesomeness because it’s arriving really soon! I’m dedicating this chapter sabryn99 because I’ve noticed she’s been reading my story and commenting on it. Thank you so much Sabryn99 for being such a loyal fan to this story! Love ya!<3

~Cap Derp a.k.a Jojo


~*Joc’s POV*~

 “Alright everyone stage 1 begins in two minutes” said Jake clapping his hands and going off to talk to Simon privately.

  I discreetly watched them wondering what they were discussing. Ever since I’ve returned to the audition people have been acting really strange. Louis stares at me like I’m a rotten fruit, Niall and Zayn won’t look my way, Liam openly inspects me like I was some unique lab experiment and Harry keeps smiling and giving me thumbs up. Overall, I don’t know what to make of this.

    My gut tells me that I should ignore them and focus all my attention on this audition. It was the only chance that I was going to get and I should make the most of it right? I started to prepare for the dance routine that was known as stage 1. I kept reviewing the routine over and over in my head so I wouldn’t forget them.

  I was crappy at remembering things especially things that were important.

   “Nervous aren’t you?” questioned a silky voice.

    It was a boy with the spiked up green hair and multiple facial piercings. He looked like a delinquent one that could do some serious ass damage. I forced a smile while inside I was secretly screaming bloody murder. This guy reminded me of a bully years ago from high school. His name was Blade and he was the meanest and toughest kid in the twelfth grade.

  “How can you tell?” I laughed still smiling that incredibly fake smile of mine.

   His lips quirked up transforming into a greedy grin.

   “Because you’re shaking man like a fucking vibrator”

     I laughed again this time actually meaning it. Funny guy this one was. Maybe he isn’t like Blade just because he resembles him a lot doesn’t mean he is him.

  “What’s your name bro?”

   I was in the mood to engage in a friendly conversation.

   “Blade Mathews you?”

    Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit! Just my fucking luck. Of all the people in the world Blade had to audition to be in One Direction too? Great and my day just keep getting better and better! Why the hell is he even here? Last time I checked Blade wasn’t musical talented. The only talent he possessed was beating the living crap out of people.

  What in the world was Simon thinking when he picked him? Did he know of his aggressive and very violent history and that he was by far the worst contestant for this competition? Maybe I could talk to Simon and tell him this. Because Blade was dangerous and it would be best if he was eliminated from the audition.

  Wait what was I doing? Who am I to say that Blade should leave? For all I know he could have actually change. It wasn’t impossible for that to happen although I was secretly wishing it was. Blade was one of the reasons why I dropped out of school. I couldn’t handle his constant bullying and scuffles that usually almost put me in the hospital.

 I would have bruises all over my body making a lot of people ask me what happened. Of course I didn’t snitch on Blade because if I did I would really end up in the emergency room. And besides I already had enough problems with family and I didn’t want to create more. So I kept quiet and forced myself to endure his tortures.

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