Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to My lovely mom

Hello my derps. Just one more chapter and I’m moving on to ‘The Next Direction’. So please stay tune for that! So there isn’t really a lot to say. I’m dedicating this chapter to my mom because she always supported my writing. And this will be the first story that I have ever completed. So thanks mom for always being there for me and never giving up on me. Love you<3


  ~*Joc’s POV*~

   I spent five minutes singing ‘Do re mi’ a warm up that not only improved my voice but told me what I needed to work on also. Turns out I couldn’t hit the high notes correctly which posed as a problem because the song ‘I won’t give up’ had a few high notes in it. High notes that practically made the whole song and if I screw one up then I could potentially not become the new member of One Direction.

  I sighed a frustrated sigh and restarted the voice exercise. Jake walked by quietly observing me making my frustration and nerves peak. However I dimmed them down and focused on completing the task that could fulfill my dreams. I was on the part of ‘re’ when Jake so rudely interrupted me.

 “Your singing is pitchy it sounds like a cat being strangled to death”

   I glared at him thinking he was so full of shit. I like to see him sing with having a mountain load of pressure resting upon your shoulders. Besides what does he know anyway? He’s just a dance choreographer last time I checked his knowledge in the singing world was nothing. And I have a feeling he only said that just to piss me off.

  For a while now I suspected that from Jake. The moment he was introduced to the competition he immediately hated me and I didn’t know why. Then I saw him associating with Louis and slowly everything began to click together. I had a hunch that maybe the two were planning my demise.

  I’m aware that sounds ludacris but if you actually think about it, it starts to make sense. Louis hates me and he made that crystal clear on my audition. He will most likely stop at nothing to see me gone which is why I think him and Jake are partners in this.

   Alone those two are assholes from hell but fused them together and you’ll get the devil himself. I just pray I’m wrong about this theory because if it’s true then I’m in a world of trouble.

  “I appreciate your criticism” I said to Jake and a flabbergasted look formed his face.

   “Excuse me? Are you being facetious?”

  “No not at all I really mean it”

  “Why?” there was confusion in his voice and something else I couldn’t yet describe.

  “Because criticism helps me to get better so thank you” I smiled a ultra-white smile at him.

   Jake frowned and shook his head like I spoke gibberish to him.

  “Odd boy” he uttered and strolled away.

   The smile on my lips enlarged as what I just did sunk in. I played Jake I beat him at his own damn game. Now I just have to out win Louis and I will forever be a happy camper. But unfortunately that was going to have to wait because my solo performance matter more.

  ~*20 minutes later*~

   Simon order us to all gather around the stage because he wanted to give us one last speech before stage 3 officially began.

  “It’s been a true pleasure to witness your guy’s talent and also I’m grateful of your determination. I can tell you lads want this so bad. I wish you all luck and may the best man win”

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