Going North-With Sinbad and Kouen

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Warning-some tiny traces of Sinbad x Kouen. Personally I do not ship, but its what came to mind!


Sinbad's pov

We are on a new adventure going North! No idea where we are, somehow mysteriously ended up on a plain! It's great!

"I still don't know how we ended up a plain if we got swallowed up by the ocean." Kouen complained

"Will you stop complaining already?! I mean at least be happy that we are alive!"

"But don't you want to know how it happened?!"

I stared at him with a blank face. "No...Now lets go north!" I looked over at Kouen. "Where is the compass taking us now?" He looks down and just stares. "Hello? Earth to Mr. Childish war-loving tryant?" He just kept staring, so I went over and looked at it. This time we were apparently going east.

"......I hate this stupid thing....." Kouen muttered.

-three hours and a half later-

Kouen's pov

'Its raining, my feet hurt, and he wont SHUT UP!' I glared at the idiotic king. 'Of all the people I could have gotten stuck with it had to be him didn't it?!' "Stupid King......"

Sinbad froze. "What?"

"I said Stupid king."

"Aww is the little childish war-loving tryant jealous that im king and hes not?"

"No. I'm upset we're here, in the rain, with hurting feet, together!"

"Now hold on! If you didn't invade my country we wouldn't be here!"

"If you just surrendered to us and became part of the empire than of course we wouldn't be here!"

Cat-chan's pov

As the two beautiful ladies bickered a small caravan full of travelers heard them and went to see if they needed help.

Kouen's pov

Caravan girl-Excuse me.....do you need help?

We both stopped arguing to see a little girl.

Caravan older girl-Mina! Oh im so sorry for her interrupting you to love birds. By all means continue.

My face paled. 'LOVEBIRDS?! OH KOU NO!' "Actually Miss-"

"It's okay," Sinbad said. "We don't mind do we?"

I gave him the what-the-kou face.

"And to answer your question," Sinbad continued, "Yes we do need help you see we are lost."

Caravan older girl- *Blushing* Really well I suppose I could ask father to give you two gentlemen a ride...We will be right back. Come Mina.

After the girls left I went up to Sinbad and strangled him. "WHAT THE KOU?! WE ARE NOT TOGETHER WHY WOULD YOU TELL HE THAT?!"

Sinbad put his hands up. "Wait here me out. We don't know their currency much less have money and that girl seems to have a weak spot for two dating men, so if you play along we might be able to get a free ride." 

My eye twitched, but he was right. "Fine....but im not wearing a dress if need be."

Sinbad smiled.

Caravan older girl- My father said her would give you a ride, but-

"Actually about the ride, you see my lovely Kouen here lost his money in a tragedy." Sinbad said while Kouen cringed horribly. "So is it possible...if we could ride with you for free?" Sinbad asked. The caravan girl obviously didn't look happy and then he- 'WHY IS HE HOLDING MY HAND?! GET OFF  YOU CREEP!' 

Caravan older girl- *spots hands being held* Of course you can! Come on! *starts going towards the caravan*

After she was out of sight i quickly steeped away from him separating our hands. "Do that again and I will burn you with Astaroth!" I yelled taking out my sword and pointing at him.

".....If we have our djinns.....why didn't we just fly?"

"Idiot for some reason we can't equip them to fly. We tried already remember?"

".....Oh yeah."


Cat-chans pov

So Kouen and Sinbad got on the caravan that was going to a little city. They got asked many times while they were wearing dresses and the older caravan girl sometimes asked if she could see them holding hands again which her father apologized profusely for his strange daughter. Which of course Sinbad said not to worry. Then they stopped for the night and in the morning Kouen woke up to see a little boy holding red hair in his hand. So remembering how Kouha use to try and cut off his goatee his hand went there, but-*thump*

"Kouen?!....Kouen wake up! Kouen its not that bad your goatee will grow back!" Sinbad said panicked. And the older caravan girl watched them with a smile on her face and a facial razor behind her back.

-And that's going north with Sinbad and Kouen.


I am so sorry for not updating and I have to thank the two people who take their time to point out every name i spell wrong, so thank you for that and i fixed the past chapters. I hope you enjoyed this and i have no prejudice what so ever! Thanks for reading! ~Cat-chan

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