PROLOUGE: The Beginning

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A black tear, that's what it is.
Black tears, that what the are.
A ripping feeling in my chest makes me feel like life is falling apart along with my now torn to pieces heart.

He hates me, most probably yes . But how can I be the only one to blame. He made me believe he'll be here, he made me trust him. To be led to nothing. How can my heart be shattered by something so stupid.

He just stood there pointing fingers at me; his eyes screaming for miles 'She did it, She did it'. I wasn't the only one who did it.

You see I was the one that destroyed this relationship . I was the one would  said the final goodbye, I was the one to blame for the reason why him and I both are in ruins.

My throats clogged up as I'm just simply staring off into nothing-ness. My galaxy covered ceiling reminds me of all the precious memories we shared. I now remember I got it painted black, just so I could add a new colour to it for every new memory created.

Silly me, for thinking we'd make it into the infinity. Even if it was just a forever moment. It was just another memory.

I regret knowing him. I wished I wasn't present on the first day we kissed. But yet again I shouldn't regret doing things now, cause in that exact moment it was exactly what I wanted.

Life has taught me many lessons, many lessons which I'm greatful for, while others not so much. Grandma warned me of those boys with their perfect  green eyes, but his were brown.

Dad warned me of every type of boy except, he was  kind. He destroyed me. I lost the love which I loved most.

Once again I'm an old typed peculiar girl. Once again I'm a young peculiar typed girl. Once again this is a Journey of a broken heart...

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