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"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Says Father Lincoln. "Oh Dylan I'm finally Mrs O'brien". I say as Dylan visibly gets closer and closer to my face. His lips finally reaching mine, and ignites a whole stir of bees in my teeny belly. Talk about bees they could be considered elephants. Oops no that's just me, I'm very hungry.

I hope you know
I hope you know

Oh Dylan I know you love me, I know.

That this hasn't been to easy...

Wait rewind.

Hi I'm Amelia. A freakishly gorgeous goddess of a brunnete, with the voice of an angel, a face and body of a goddess and a laugh of tweeting birds. Ha that's extremely funny, just kidding people. I'm actually an insanely pretty ugly person, with a voice that is horrifyingly scratchy and a laugh that sounds like a cat/dog being strangled, and a face of a goats behind.

So yeah I'm 16 years old and a hopeless romantic in the world of books. I love sleeping, eating, reading, listening to music, dancing, singing (cough cough- I cant- cough cough) , sleeping, eating, more eating and a little more eating.

I think of myself as a bad bitch instead of the softy  everyone makes me out to be. I'm a tyrant inlove with Dylan O'brien and I live my days by saying, "Dylan O' be- my- boyfriend." But people please believe one day he'll fall for me, I will catch him and he'll fall for me.

Once he falls for me, we'll get married at the age of 25 and have 7 kids. Well have amazing intercourse everyday. Nope just kidding, I'll do that with Taylor Lautner... sigh

Back to me. I'm a socially disturbed petite little crazy thingy, that eats more than an elephant every single  hour, forget about everyday. Cheesy I know.

When talking about my favourite colour I'd say it's black and purple. Black because to me, black is void of emotion, but then again swims with it. Purple because, I really don't know, it has been a childhood obsession that I still fuss over. Most times my friend Lillian tells me to stop being emo. Crazy person she is, little cute white thing, she sorta reminds me of a marshmallow. Shhhh, she shouldn't know I said so.

I'm a forgetful little thingy with dark brown hair, dark brown-blackish eyes that freak me out most days, why? Because there's like blue surrounding them and if im angry they become a violet. See, and if that's not dark enough, I have extremely dark eyelashes which most days are mistaken to be eye liner by friends. I know what I just said, you'd all think I'm a beauty, ha I'm soooooo not, instead I'm a proud to be hideous bad bitch.

One day I'd like to become a scientist, so I can experiment on goats and donkeys. I love animals and might be a potential nerd. I also like using the word thingy when referring to myself and friends.

I hate saying no to people because seriously everyone is so damn cute. Currently I'm in grade 11. My favourite group of words would be:

My favourite song is every song in creation.

I originate from the country of South Africa, and I'm currently living in a little city thingy or town whatever actually, in the Western province called Cape town. A great place actually, there are many different cultural and race groups.

One more important fact about me, I'm not rich nor a drama queen.

So that are a couple facts about me, I'd like to get to know each of you too...

So it's not a chapter per-say but rather an intro.
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lots of love with pure darkness...♡


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