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Brandon Bradley Stoke.

Wow that's me.

So where do I start, firstly I'm a momma's boy and a straight a student. I hate partying because clearly it's far to cliché fir a bod boy as myself.

I do not belong to any gang and certainly don't have an insanely sad back story explains or causing my attitude. I'm a bod boy by heart and choice.

The baddest thing I've ever done was probably trashing up a grocery store. I spent about a month in Juvie before they came up with the punishment of community service. Suckers they were.

Community service wasn't much of a punishment because there is met the most amazing girl ever, Amelia Jennifer Aniston.

By the way I'm 16, favourite colour is red, favourite food is pizza. I'm not single (take the hint people). The most important fact about me us that tattoos cover my skin and I love Amelia more than anything.(Boys back off)

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