You're attracted to older men?

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Guy 1: Have you seen the goddess of death? The Director is looking for her.
Lindow: No but if I do see her, I'll let you know.
Guy 2: Thank you. Have a good day
Lindow: You too
After the men left Y/n came out of the bathroom where she was hiding.
Y/n: Thanks. I owe you one
Lindow: No its all ok.
Y/n came up against Lindow and rested her forehead against his back while wrapping her hands around his waist.
Lindow: We can't continue doing this.
Y/n: But what if I don't want to stop?

Lindow: Then I'll have to start dodging you...
Y/n: We both know you can't do that.
Lindow: Yeah...crap you're right.
Y/n: *laughs and kisses Lindow on his cheek*
Lindow: But quick question. You're attracted to older men?
The girl looking as if she was caught off guard eyes widened.
Y/n:...uhm what...? I mean I guess, I'm not sure how to answer that Lin.
Lindow: Ok well you should go bathe and get ready to go before the Director goes crazy looking for you.

Y/n: Sure you don't want to join me?
Lindow: Maybe next time.
Lindow smirked at the younger God eater as he pulled out a cigarette and light it up.
Y/n: You're just killing yourself slowly Lin.
Lindow: I know.
Y/n shook her head and grasped Lindow's collar and brought him into a passionate kiss as she slowly took off her clothes. Lindow sighed and kissed back until Y/n pulled away with a smirk and walked naked into his bathroom before turning back at him, sent a wink and slammed him door closed as she turned his shower on. Lindow sighed and said out loud " Maybe I can't dodge her. She's my drug and I'm a addict."

Later after Y/n finished showering came out with just Lindow's towel as her coverage.
Lindow: What if someone was here...?
Y/n: They would've simply enjoyed the view. You're not the only one that enjoys the view babe.
Lindow doesn't reply while the female changes infornt of him. Pulling on her soldier pants, black spiked tight top, God eater jacket, chains and lastly her combat boots. Lindow looked at her with slight curious eyes.
Lindow: Why don't you dress like other female God eaters?
Jasmine: I either like wearing my birthday suit or alot of clothes.
Lindow: ok

Y/n walked out and towards the training room. She looked at Sakuya, Kouta, Soma, Lenka and Johannes.
Johannes: Where were you Y/n?
Y/n: I told you I needed some time to myself... Soma...
Soma blushed under the older girl's stare and shifted awkwardly.
Soma: We...We will talk later today. Please I just need to let some things out.
Lindow walked in and Y/n slowly stared at his neck which had some hickies. Lindow walked pass Johannes and when passing by Y/n, winked and shook his head. Y/n glared at Johann as he gripped her arm.

Johannes: I wish to speak with you after.
Y/n: No.
Everyone: NO?!!
Y/n: No. I'm going to speak with Soma after and then I'm going to get a drink.
Soma:We could talk another time.
Y/n: Nahh we'll talk after
After Y/n helped them train. They were all breathless. Johannes glared at Lindow who grabbed Y/n's waist at one point when she nearly fell. The way Y/n looked up at the male caused Johannes to become angered.

Y/n: *whispering* Thanks. Oh and I saw the little things left on your neck.
Lindow: Mm they were left so well. *glares slightly*
Y/n pulled away from the older male and slashed a Aragami which was heading for them before being pulled back by Lindow which saved the younger female from getting bitten by another Aragami. They were the only ones left in the training room while everyone else was up onto the viewing room. Killing the last remaining Aragamis, they headed up towards to the room.
Y/n: Soma. Let's have our talk. Meet me in my room. Don't make me wait...
Soma: Yes...

The older girl and younger male headed towards her room. Opening the door, Y/n stared at the male with a raised eyebrow as he simply stared back.
Soma: I don't know what happened between my father and you but I have a confession to make.
Y/n: Uh go ahead.

The Goddess of death (God Eater × reader)Where stories live. Discover now