Soma's Confession

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(I really like this edit of God eater, you don't have to watch it)

Soma: You said that you don't need things but you want them. Would it be wrong if I don't need you but I want you?
Y/n: me?

Soma: I knew you when I was younger and you were the only one to stay by my side even though people hated me. You should've been ashamed but you-you weren't. You were more than willing to be near me. Why?
Y/n:No one deserves to be alone Soma. I was alone because I always used to shut people out. I was known as the ice Queen but it meant that I didn't like the company of others. I did but no one could've seen that because I didn't allow them to get close.

Soma: You didn't want me to be alone?
Y/n: I didn't want you to make the same mistake I did.
Soma: Then how did you expect me to have company?
Y/n: Let me help you now Soma.

Y/m: You don't need me yet you want me. Let's want each other then...
Soma came closer towards me and held my cheek while pressing his forehead against mine. He bite his lip slowly before kissing me. Sure I was caught surprised but I let him do what he wanted. I kissed back and things escalated quickly.

We were both breathless and sprawled across each other.
Soma: Thank you. Can we do it again?
Y/n: I guess...? Doesn't bother me. You're an attractive young man Soma. Find someone you do love.
Soma: But what if I love you?
Y/n: Then we can do whatever we want if we do get together.
Soma: Then please Y/n will you be my girlfriend?
Y/n: Yeah...
Soma: Thank you.

Y/n: Anytime. Are you going to tell the other or your father?
Soma: I would love to but I'm not sure if you'd like that.
Y/n: Go ahead... Your father shouldn't care
Soma: You liked my father yes?
Y/n: How do you know?
Soma: I figured. Are you in love with me Y/n?
Y/n: Uhhhh not exactly but-!
Soma: Then I'll do you two things. I'll try to get you to love me and if my father does actually love you he'll get jealous and I'm sure you'd want revenge.
Y/n: Do whatever you want.

(Do you guys want a lemon scene?)

The Goddess of death (God Eater × reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum