chapter eleven

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The next morning you woke up quite early. The others were still asleep so you had a quick shower and got ready

You go downstairs and find Zion and Nick playing fortnight "seriously guys? It's 9am!" You say laughing

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You go downstairs and find Zion and Nick playing fortnight "seriously guys? It's 9am!" You say laughing

You go downstairs and find Zion and Nick playing fortnight "seriously guys? It's 9am!" You say laughing

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Just then you hear the others coming into the room. Edwin and Austin sit down and watch Nick and Z while the girls go to the kitchen. "When did everyone get up?" As you say it you feel strong, warm hands wrap around your waist and pick you up from behind "because we're all going shopping for supplies!" You hear Brandon whisper before putting you down. "Supplies for what?" You ask "your birthday party silly!" Zion says putting down his controller "my what?" You ask getting excited "the girls told us it was your birthday on Saturday so we're throwing a party!" Austin says getting excited "why didn't you tell us?" Brandon asks " I don't know I just didn't think it was a big deal" you answer. The boys all stand back and gasp "you're turning 18 y/n! It's the biggest deal!" Edwin says "Alright then what are we waiting for?!" You say "yes okay we should split up into groups" Austin says clapping his hands together. "Ok Um Brandon, y/n you come with me and Austin and we'll get balloons and shiz" Nick says "Alright right then Zion, Val, Nessa, Ronnie and I will do food?" Edwin asks "actually it's just the four of you, I have something to do today" Ronnie says blushing "more like someone to do!" You whisper to Brandon. He laughs a little too loud at what you said and everyone looks at him.

"remind me why Yall aren't together" Edwin says crossing his arms " you roll your eyes "Because y/n isn't my type" Brandon quickly says "and what would that be Brandon? Instagram models with fake asses and big lips who sleep with you because you compliment their hair?" You scoff. The room goes silent, Brandon glares at you "ok I was kidding but now you're definitely not my type" he snaps back "What does that mean?" You say getting angry "it means that I wouldn't date you because you're too quick to judge me, you're defensive and childish" he says getting in your face. "Me? Childish? Says the one who constantly makes inappropriate jokes and throws a tantrum when he doesn't get his way" you say getting in his face now "no I d-" you cut him off, "and yes I get defensive but only because you're constantly insulting me and you know what? I did think that I was too quick to judge you after you stood up for me and stayed with me in New York, but here you are acting like you always do, you're a player Brandon! And you know it" you say using all of your energy. He looks furious "A player?, yeah I have a lot of opportunities to be a player but when was the last time you saw me getting cozy with a girl? I haven't even kissed anyone since Newyork" he says widening his eyes letting you know that he's talking about you. "Oh please Brandon you constantly brag about how many girls you have hanging around you!" You say backing away from him "Because I know it bugs you y/n!, I haven't been acting like that at all because I have my eye on someone!! You know what? You guys have fun today, I'm gonna go, happy birthday y/n" he says with a defeated voice as he storms out and slams the door behind him.

Fame and love // Brandon Arreaga // PrettyMuch {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now