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Zayns' P.O.V. 

In the night of Friday to Saturday Zayn couldn't sleep. At all.
He was tossing and turning around in bed until three in the morning, when he gave up on sleeping. His mind was too full and his thoughts too loud.
With heavy steps he made his way into the kitchen where he put the kettle on to make himself a cuppa. Every now and then he rubbed his hands over his face. He was just so tired and his whole body just felt so weak.

In this moment Zayn wasn't sure if he was even able to meet Liam in this condition. God, what would Liam think if he saw him like this ?
All those years he had tried so hard not to let any one see how miserable he was once he was alone. But now? He didn't want Liam to see him like this but he also didn't want to not see Liam.

But then again, why would Liam care how Zayn looks? Why would he care about him in general?
It's been so long since they have seen each other. Maybe Liam was seeing someone by now. Someone that loved him better than Zayn did.

The sound of the whistling kettle brought him back from his thoughts to his kitchen and with slow movements he made his cuppa.

By the time the sun was up, Zayn was still sitting on the kitchen counter and the cuppa had turned cold in his hands.
His eyes were burning from the lack of sleep and his back was hurting from stitting stiff for hours. But maybe it was just his broken heart that made him feel so miserable.

But he couldn't focus on that now. He had to get ready, Liam would be waiting for him. ( At least he hoped that Liam would show up)

The weather was typical for London. It was windy and the clouds looked like it would be raining later that day. But Zayn couldn't care less. He simply wrapped the fabric of this coat tighter around himself and buried his chin in his scarf. His tiredness was long forgotten.
With every step he took, his heart started beating a bit louder.

There was no point in taking the tube or getting a taxi when Zayn had the way memorized in his heart. It wasn't a long walk, it took him 15 minutes to get to the café but once he turned to get to the street it was on, his steps slowed down.
Was he maybe already there? Would Zayn have to wait? Would he show up at all?

All those questions run through his head but by the time he would have thought about enough possibilities he was already at the door. His heart jumped once again when he opened the door.
The warm air from inside blew in his face and the smell of freshly baked goods filled his nose.
Zayn felt like he was going back in time, like he was back in 2013 when he first met Liam.
A small smile formed on his lips and he stepped inside.

With a quick look around Zayn noticed that Liam wasn't there yet. It stung a little but with the next look he saw the cashier that he knew so well and when their eyes met he was greeted with the same warm smile he was used to be greeted with.

" Hey Zayn. It's been a while" Lee-Ann continued to smile at him and Zayn smiled back.

" Hey Lee."

" What brings you here? Is Liam not with you?"

The words hit him a little harder than he thought they would but then again, Lee-Ann had always just seen the two of them together. With a sad look his eyes fell on the picture of Liam and him that was hanging behind the counter.

" He will joining me later." His voice was quiet.

" Alright" Her eyes turned into a sad blue and with a half smile she asked " Do you want your usual?"

" You still remember that?" He laughed a little.

" Of course I do, you two were my favorite guests. Why else would I hang up such a cute photo of the two of you up that ol' wall?" Lee joined my laugher and then turned back around to start my order. " Even though I still don't understand why you stopped hanging out here all of the sudden" Her voice had become quieter and another wave of sickness rushed through Zayn and he looked down at the floor.

" Lee-Ann" his voice shivered of sadness. " We broke up three years ago."

The cluttering of cups on wood made Zayn look up. She had dropped the cup of coffee that she had prepared.
As soon as she turned around to look at Zayn, he knew exactly what her face would look like.

You could see it in her face that she was not only heart broken but also more than sad. Her eyes showed pity and once again Zayn had the feeling he would throw up.
But nothing came up his throat.

" Oh my god, I am so sorry my dear. I - I didn't know." She put her hand over her hear and leaned against the counter behind her.
Zayn just gave her a sad smile and nodded before he walked around the shop and sat down at the table nearest to the counter.

It was their table. Or at least it used to be theirs.

With a quick glance he looked at his phone to check the time.


Liam was late.

Or maybe he wouldn't even come at all.

He looked back to Lee-Ann, to see that she started remaking his coffee.
" Do you think he will come?" All of the sudden he felt so small in this room. His throat closed up and his eyes stung.

" I don't know my dear." She put his coffee on the counter and looked him in the eyes.

He wasn't ready to completely look at her so he just took his coffee. 

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