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Zayn's P.O.V. 


Maybe he should just leave.

He still hadn't taken his coat off, so he was practically ready to leave. But when he was ready to stand up the bell on the door rung and his eyes shot to the door.
And there he was. Breath taking like just like he was the day he met him.

But his hair was shorter now and there was quite the stubble from not shaving. All in all he was still the same but so, so different. Zayn felt like he was going to faint from the lack of oxygen.

Their eyes found each other and it felt like the both of them couldn't help the smile that was forming on their faces. And suddenly Zayn could breath again.
A small "hi" escaped his mouth.

" Hey." And wow okay, his voice got deeper.

Zayn couldn't stop staring but Liam looked like he couldn't either.

" I am sorry that I am late. " he said and Zayn wished he would stop apologizing.

You are here now. It doesn't matter love. Please don't worry.

He wanted to say all of this but instead he just said " Please sit down".

And Liam did.

A wave of his perfume filled Zayns nose and he thought he might really pass out any second.

Silence filled the two and it filled Zayns heart with even more safedness. They used to tell each other everything and nothing. They used to talk for hours with no end but then again, they used to.

Lee-Ann was silent as well, Zayn thought maybe she just didn't want to interfere.

" how-" his voice cracked. " H-How are you ?"
He could have slapped himself for how awkward he was.

" I'm good." Liam nodded with his words. "I'm good. You?"

It seemed like both of them didn't know what to say. It felt like they were miles apart even though they sat in front of each other.

" I'm also good."

It hurt. All of this hurt. He was hurt.

Silence took over the two and Zayn lifted his cup to take a sip of his coffee.

" Soy latte with cinnamon and a little bit of vanilla? " Liam asked all of the sudden and Zayn looked up and in his eyes.

Mistake. Bad mistake.
They were still as brown and rich as they were all those years ago. The gold around the edges was still as beautiful as it always had been. And he felt like he was going to be lost in them again.

" Yes. Yes it is." he answered when he found his voice again.

Liam nodded.

Why was this so painful?

" Do you want something?" Lame. That was what this was.

But how do you talk to someone you loved so deeply and haven't seen in ages?

Zayn didn't know the answer to that.

" No thank you." Liam declined. Zayn nodded.

They stared at each other and Zayn seemed to forget why they broke up in the first place. When he looked at Liam everything felt alright, like he was alright.
Like all of the sadness had disappeared. But he knew why they had broken up.

Yet, it felt like it was the worlds biggest mistake.

Liam was sitting in front of him now and all Zayn could think about how it would feel if he would kiss his lips again. How it would feel to touch his skin again, to be close to him again.

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