Minutes later, my mother came home from work and came into the nursery, where i was rocking Doris to sleep leaving Zayn and Phoebe downstairs watching a movie.

"You're home." I greeted her.

"Yeah. What a stressful day, i couldn't wait to leave the office." My mother sighed.

"Um, hey mum, has the nursery door ever been stuck before?" I whispered careful not to wake my baby sister.

"No why?"

"While Phoebe and I were outside, i heard like some kid laughing on the infant monitor, which is weird. I ran to the nursery, but the door was stuck. I had to hit it it with my shoulder about four times before i could get in. No one was in here except Doris --- and Donny. He was in the crib with her. Phoebe said she didn't put him there, but how else could he have gotten in? And it was freezing in here. It's warmed up a lot  in the last ten minutes."

My mother rested her hands on her hips and searched for an explanation. "Well, our neighbors have the same kind of monitor for their baby. I don't know, maybe our monitor picked up the sounds of one their two older boys. As for the door, I suppose it could get stuck. Its been more humid than usual this week. Why Phoebe would lie about Donny, I don't know. I'll have a talk with her. And I'll call the air-conditioning people to come out here."

I felt Doris move in my arms. "Oh, look. Doris is waking up. Hi, sweet cakes." She cooed.

Doris began to cry. "Ugh, you're soaked." I said. "Even your top is wet." I gently placed her on the changing table. My mother took over and began stripping off Doris' top, thats when i noticed two red marks on each side of her waist. "Mum, look at that." I pointed out.

My mum examined Doris' torso. "Thats odd. They look like tiny handprints. See? You can clearly make out the fingers. They're too big to be Doris', but they're too small to be anyone else's."

"It looks like a midget tried to grab her real hard, doesn't it?" I asked.

My mother nodded. "Yes, i suppose so." Then she turned to me with confusion. "Louis, where are you getting at?"

"Phoebe!" I called out to my little sister. "Would you bring Donny in here for a moment, please."

"Oh come on, you can't be serious." I heard my mum say like i must be out of my mind.

Phoebe arrived with Donny and Zayn stood in the doorway watching on. I took the doll from my sister and placed his hand over one of the red marks. "Mum, look. You see, its a perfect match."

"Maybe when he was in the crib, he fell on her and left those marks." My mother say.

Oh come on, you've got to be kidding me.

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