Two days later, my mother's husband, Phil and Grandpa Andrew, returned from their fishing trip. My best friend, Harry also arrived on the same day and Zayn picked him up from the airport  and they stopped by at the house. When they all learned about the bizarre  events of the past week, grandpa and Phil were floored. Harry haven't pretty much said anything when he first stepped foot into the house and it kind of worried me a little bit.

"No, No. I have never seen that doll before." Grandpa Andrew said, scratching his head. We were pretty confused until Harry finally spoke up.

"I knew I should've destroyed that doll," He mumbled. "He's no good. He's been bad news ever since ... s-since my brother had him."

All eyes were locked on Harry, i couldn't believe what i was hearing. "Your brother? You have a brother?" I asked. "Donny belonged to your brother?"

He nodded slowly. "Yeah. I have a twin brother. The doll was Edward's. He got Donny for his fifth birthday. The doll was the spitting image of him. My mum, uh, knew a artist who made dolls that looked like twins of real kids. She was going to get me one but i refused because i hated dolls. So she got the artist to make one for Edward. It turned out to be the worst thing she could've done for my brother."

Harry sighed, then continued telling us the story. "Edward named the doll after his middle name, Donald. I hate to say this but Edward was a rotten kid. He was always getting into trouble. A bully, a petty thief. He's older than me , so he didn't pick on me too much. But everyone else was fair game. He stole lunch money from other kids,  threw rocks at cats, that sort of thing. You name it, he did it."

"Whenever Edward did anything mean or bad, he always blame it on Donny. Edward would never admit that he was at fault. It was always the doll who had done it. Over the years, that doll absorbed all of Edward's negative energy." Harry said.

"What happened to Edward and the doll when gotten older?" I asked.

Harry chuckled lightly. "Edward never really grew up." He replied. "You see, he was a firebug. He was always starting fires. I can show you the burns on the floors in this house where he set little blazes. If he'd had his way, he'd have burned down half of this town. It's ironic that fire- the thing that fascinated him the most- finally killed him. At sixteen, he tried to torch an abandoned warehouse down at the docks. The flames spread faster than he expected, and he was trapped. He died a horrible death- he wasn't even twenty years old."

"After Edward died, my mum wouldn't let anyone throw out my brother's things, including the doll. Donny was put in a wooden box and stored in the attic. But i should have destroyed that doll then and there, because Edward put all his bad thoughts into that evil doll." He said, closing his eyes briefly before looking at me. "Lou, once you and Phoebe removed the doll from the wooden box, the negative energy was released. It infected the atmosphere in this house, causing all of you grief and aggravation, Thank goodness the doll is gone."

Zayn right next to him patted Harry on the back. "Harry, i had no idea you have a brother. How come you didn't tell me?" i asked him.

He looked up at me with red rimmed eyes i could tell he was upset. "Eddy and I were close and we shared a special bond. I didn't think he would turn out the way he did." He let out a shaky breath. "There be times i wished for my brother to be here but he'll never come back."

"I'm so sorry Harry." I said placing a comfort hand on his shoulder. "You have me, Zayn and everyone who loves you. You're not alone."

He gave a soft smile. "Thanks Lou."

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