What the hell is wrong with everyone? I know i'm not going out of my mind, thats for sure.

"I found him sitting up at the foot of the crib. Doris was on her stomach, fussing. Mum, i have a bad feeling about that Donny doll. A real bad feeling. I think he should be put away." I said hoping Phoebe didn't hear the last part.

Thats when Phoebe came and snatched the doll off the changing table. "He's my doll and you're not taking him away!" She yelled.

My mother kneeled down until she was face-to-face with my little sister. "Sweetie, yesterday the doll ended up on your face and you couldn't breathe. Today, he may have hurt your baby sister. I think its best if we put him back in the attic where you found him." She say calmly.

"No! He's mine! I won't let you take him!"

"Yes." I said.

"No!" Phoebe shouted at me, before turning to Donny. "You want to stay with me, don't you, Donny?" She put her hand behind his head and made it seem like he's nodding. "See? He wants to stay. He's my friend. I found him." She tucked the doll under her arm and hauled him back to her room passing up Zayn who's still standing in the doorway having no clue whats going on.

"I don't want to upset Phoebe," Mum told me. "I'll let her keep Donny. But i'll make it very clear to her that the doll belongs in her room and only on the floor."

I scoffed. "Mum, come on, that won't do any good. That doll is evil!"

"Your father warned me that your imagination can run wild. Now i see what he means."

I flinched at the mention of my father who left when i was thirteen. Now I was at the point that i am so done with everything. "Oh, really? Last night, the doll was supposed to be on Phoebe's chair. I found him in the closet and he attacked me. Meh- he fell right on my toes. This is after he almost smothered Phoebe earlier in the day. Now, today, we see marks on my baby sister and your daughter. And everytime these things happen, its strangely freezing in the room."

"Louis, all easily explained! Enough with this 'silly' talk. You here me?" My mother snapped at me.

"But mum-"

"Louis,  i said enough! I don't want to hear anymore about this doll. Evil indeed." She shook her in annoyance, dressing Doris  and took her into she and Phil's master bedroom. I was left in the nursery alone and Zayn standing watching the entire thing that just went down.


Before Zayn could go on, i went right past him and stormed downstairs, sat on the couch and watched television not really paying attention. I felt the cushion beside me dipped, the familiar scent of cigarettes hit my nostrils i knew it had to be Zayn probably trying to make me feel better, but i'm pissed.

"BooBear, don't worry everything will be alright." Zayn say.

"No, nothing will be alright. As long that damn doll, who i honestly feel is behind all of this shit, is still around.. No. Shit won't be alright." I slouched crossing my arms staring blankly at the television.

"Look you're acting foolish. Get a hold of yourself and for once, go and apologize." Zayn told me. His phone vibrated and he pulled it out of his pocket and viewed the screen. "Uh, i got to go. I got something planned tonight with Perrie and i best be going."

"Okay. Have fun i guess." I mumbled.

"I'll call you. If not, call me alright?" He pat my leg before he got off the couch and left out the door.

I sighed, picking up the remote flipping through channels until my show 'Friends' appeared on the screen. During the show, i began to feel guilty.

Maybe Zayn's right. Maybe i was acting foolish. I thought. I do get carried away at times. How can a fucking doll be evil? I shouldn't have snapped at my own mother. I'd better apologize to her. Hopefully, she'll forgive me.

I got up off the couch and headed up the stairs at the same time my mother, holding Doris, about to come down. "Mum," I said, looking up from the bottom of the stairs. "I'm sorry about . . . Look out for the doll!"

The warning came a split second too late. My mother tripped over Donny's prone body and lost her balance. While clutching my baby sister, she reached out with her other hand, trying to catch herself on the bannister. But she was falling too fast. My mother twisted sideways and began sliding on her back headfirst down the stairs. But she determinedly held on to Doris, shoving my baby sister onto her own chest.

I raced up the stairs and braced myself as mum skidded down six steps before crashing into me. I toppled over her and grasped Doris' arms, preventing my sister from tumbling down the stairs.

Doris was bawling but a quick check showed that she hadn't been hurt because my mother's body had shielded her during the fall.

"She's fine, mum. I don't know how you managed to keep Doris from getting hurt, but you did. What about you? Are you alright, mum?" i asked worriedly.

"I'll live." She said trying to catch her breath. I helped pulling her up, then she slumped on the next step next to me. "My back and my wrist are sore, b-but it could have been so much worse."

As we sat there, i pictured how close my mother and my baby sister came to a tragedy, thats when i began to cry. "I-I'm so sorry, m-mum."

"Honey, we're fine." She rubbed my back.

"I don't how i would take it if you both were seriously hurt." I say wiping away tears, looking down at my infant sister whose cries were soon slowed down.

"Baby, we're fine. We're okay." She placed a kiss in my hair and hugged me.

"Mummy?" We heard a frightened voice coming from the top of the stairs. Me and my mother looked up to see a tearful Phoebe standing over the sprawled-out doll. "Mummy, I'm sorry," She blurted out. "I had to go to the bathroom and i couldn't take Donny with me, so i made him sit outside in the h-hall." She hiccuped a sob.

"Honey, its okay. It was an accident." My mother say.

Phoebe began to sobbing and ran into her room. "Mum, i saw the doll sitting against the wall. Then he flopped forward just as you were walking by. The timing couldn't have been any worse. It was as if..." I caught myself. I was afraid to say what was on my mind.

It was as if the doll tripped my mother on purpose!

My mother limped to the top landing with me following behind. I watched as she flipped the doll onto his back. We both stared at his green eyes and big smile. Suddenly, they didn't seem so cute.

"Louis, you were right about this doll," My mother said slowly but firmly. "He is evil. I felt a strange blast of cold air right before i tripped."

I looked over at my mother to see her eyes glowed with anger and fear. "Louis, get him out of here." She hissed taking Doris from my arms and holding her against her chest. "I want you to throw him back in the attic. I don't ever want to see him again."

I nodded. "But-But what about Phoebe?"

"I'll deal with her. Just get him out of my sight." She instructed.

I did as told and went to scoop up the doll. Maybe the terror of the last few minutes had sapped my strength, or  maybe my imagination was working overtime. Whatever the reason, Donny unexplainably felt much heavier.

I lugged the doll to the attic and stuffed him in his wooden box. I took one last look at him before shutting the lid. "You stay the hell away from my family."

I shut the lid, shoving the box in the corner, and piled several boxes on top of it.

When i left the attic, I felt a great sense of relief. I met up with my mother in the kitchen taking a seat on one of the stools. "I've laid Donny to rest-- for good."

If only it was that easy.

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