Honky Tonk Angels/Dolly Parton

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As I sit here tonight the jukebox's playing

I was at a bar, and I wanted to forget about my husbands infidelity with the help of Alcohol.

The song about the wild side of life

The songs on the jukebox were all about partying until the morning, which I didn't ever do, so I decided to put a bit of Dolly on.

As I listen to the words you are saying

At some point in the night, someone had put some of Dolly's more sad songs on, which really hit home.

It brings mem'ries when I was a trusting wife

I looked down at my wedding ring, and I remember the night I found him with another woman, I thought that I was gonna die of heartbreak.

It was't God who made honky tonk angels

I was drunk crying, since the alcohol wasn't making me forget at all, if anything it made me obsess over my husband's affair.

As you wrote in the words of your song

People who write songs are geniuses, if only I had the ability to make someone feel my pain...

Too many times married men think they're still single

Why couldn't he remember that I was home and waiting?, wasn't I enough for him, the bastard.

That has caused many a good girl to go wrong

I'm on my fifth vodka and coke, people were looking at how much I drank.

It's a shame that all the blame is on us women

My Mom keeps blaming the woman that he slept with, but she's not the one who had a marriage to wreak.

It's not true that only you men feel the same

The reason I was at the bar tonight was because he was trying to justify fucking another woman by saying that he didn't feel the passion anymore, did he not think of discussing it with me rather than going outside our marriage?.

From the start most every heart that's ever broken
Was because there always was a man to blame

My heart will never be the same again, I trusted him with it and he chucked it out of the window to see how much he could damage it.

It was't God who made honky tonk angels...

At this point I started to drunk sing to Honky Tonk angels, and it felt like the song is talking about my life right now.

As you wrote in the words of your song

I ordered another lot of shots, to see if I could make myself black out.

Too many times married men think they're still single

Screw him, he shouldn't have my tears, and yet I wasted my time on him, but for what?, to sit in a bar drinking the pain away?

That has caused many a good girl to go wrong

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