Chapter 1- Cafeteria Joys

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OK I've never written a story like this before. So bear with me here! And the reason why I wrote this was because I am so tired of reading about perfect main characters on here. Almost every story on wattpad, the main character is drop dead gorgeous she gets the guys, blah blah blah. No one ever writes about the ugly girl anymore, and if they do she turns pretty for some reason very quickly at the beginning of the story. So I just wanted to change things up and make my main character something different. No there isn't going to be some handsome guy who loves her for who she is, fat and all. That is not realistic at all! I'm not sure how this is going to go just yet, but I hope you enjoy this and at least give this a shot. But also I just wanted to say this too, I don't want people thinking I'm insulting fat people or whatever because I'm not. The main character is fat, yes. But its about her struggles and there is going to be other kids making fun of her. So yeah anyways still read the story please and comment! 


“Oh look there's the grenade!” Someone in the cafeteria shouted as Amanda waddled in. Eyes cast to the dirty, food encrusted floor she made her way to the cafeteria line. Curious looks flitted to the fat girl, wondering what she was going to get today.

Amanda always got a hefty lunch, extra helpings of potatoes, two pizzas instead of one, a side of carrots. Which no one ever got the carrots. The old lunch ladies however loved her. Maybe it was because she ate their soggy vegetables with pleasure, something none of the other kids did.

“Do you want peas with that?” The frail lunch lady asked the kid in front of her.

“No thanks.” The kid mumbled, moving his tray along.

“Are you sure?” Her nasally voice called. “Their healthy!”

Amanda's stomach rumbled, it was a long day and she forgot breakfast this morning. The lunch lady smiled as she saw Amanda. “Ah, finally someone who will eat their veggies.” She showed Amanda a row of yellow breaking teeth. She plopped an extra big helping of the slimy green peas. “Don't tell the other kids, but I gave you extra.” She whispered as if she had done something extremely kind.

It wasn't like Amanda was fond of the vegetables here. They were nasty, slimy, and oozy, with no real flavor. The carrots tasted the same as the peas, the broccoli tasted the same. They all did. She told herself she was doing a favor to herself by eating them. They were healthy, they had to be, they were vegetables right? Eating them would help her hunger and wouldn't give her extra poundage. At least that was what she told herself.

The next lunch lady was about to give her two slices as usual, but Amanda noticed the other kids giving her amused glances, every student's tray had a slice of pizza that was it. No peas, no potatoes no cookie, and definitely not two pieces of pizza. “I'll just have one slice today.” Amanda told the lunch lady with the mustache. “I'm not feeling too hungry.” As if on cue, her stomach rumbled.

She heard a few snickers behind her. She flushed, embarrassed. The fat girl with a heaping tray of gross cafeteria food, yeah that would help her get unnoticed. The lunch lady raised a bushy gray eyebrow. “If you say so.”

Amanda grabbed her tray, and skipped the chocolate milk this time. Besides it wouldn't fit on her tray anyways. Eyes down, she ignored the kids surrounding her, talking and laughing in groups, and she made her way to a table in the back and plopped down.

There was only one other kid at her table. A small Asian kid who kept his nose buried in a book all lunch while he ate an apple or something, making Amanda feel especially fat. “What book are you reading?” She asked in hopes to make conversation. The boy mumbled something. “What?”

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