Chapter 5 - Test

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"You alright?", Oxford questioned when he stared at Ray.

Ray only nodded as a reply.

"In what ways are you going to give him tests?", questioned Chap as he placed a single drop of blood from the syringe.

"What I frequently use.", Oxford answered while he stood up and moved next to Ray, placing his right hand back on his left shoulder.

"When will you two start?", Chap asked before he moves closer to the microscope.

"Tomorrow probably.", Oxford replied as he looked down at Ray who was also looking up at him.

"And you said to be easy on him. Funny.", Chap said while he writes something down in the red folder. He continued to look at the blood sample through the use of the microscope. After that, he grabbed the syringe, a test tube, and a graduated cylinder which contains a small quantity of a white liquid. He then puts a few drops of blood in the test tube and immediately puts three small drops of white liquids into the test tube and shook it gently.

The combined liquids changed color while Chap was shaking it. It turned black and then seconds after, white. Chap continues to shake it while writing what he is witnessing at the moment in one of the blank papers in the red folder. He then grabbed a camera and began to record it after he finished writing.

"Fascinating.", Chap whispered.

"That's just the blood.", said Oxford to the man who just labeled it and placed the test tube in one of the test tube racks that are close to him. "I'll be right back, my scientists need me.", Oxford added as he pas Ray's left shoulder before leaving the two men alone. Ray looked back behind him and saw that the two guards followed Oxford.

Ray watched Chap moved closer to him, this time he is carrying metal tray that contains two cylindrical glass that has an exact height of two inches. He saw that they are labeled, the one on the right is labeled skin and the other is hair.

"Pick one.", said Chap to Ray as he stood there in front of him.

"Where are you going to extract?", Ray questioned as he stared at Chap's eyes.

"Pick... one.", Chap repeated.

"The one that is on your right.", said Ray after he gulped while staring at the man in front of him.

Chap placed the tray back on the table and returned to Ray, without saying anything, he quickly plucked a single strand of hair from Ray's head. He then carefully put it in the correct glass container, and then the next one.

"Come here.", said Chap to Ray with hand gestures.

"Does Oxford knows about this?", Ray questioned as he jumped out of the chair and moved next to Chap who was pulling out a device from one of the glass cabinets.

"Of course he knows, we've been working together for years.", said Chap who just placed the device on the table where Ray is standing close to it. "Give me your right hand.", he added.

Ray raised his right hand and Chap gently grabbed it with his left hand and laid it flat on the table. Keeping Ray's hand on the table, he grabbed the device, turned it on, and hovered it just inches above Ray's right index finger. The device beeped all of sudden and Chap removed his left hand on Ray's right hand. Ray inspected his hand for any signs of a small wound or a scar but found none. He watched Chap placed the device on the table next to the microscope and the container that has his hair in it.

"You can sit back down again.", said Chap.

Ray was about to take a seat when suddenly the glass door buzzed and two men, that seems to be guards, walked in and immediately stared at the man who is wearing a white general uniform. Ray stood still as he glanced at Chap then back to the two men who are now standing next to the door that is being held open by one of them.

"You have been ordered to follow us.", said one of the guards.

"Whose order?", Ray questioned.

"Oxford.", said the man.

"You should go.", Chap followed as he placed the single strand of hair on a microscope slide.

Ray was the first one to walked out of the room and was told to stand there for a second by one of the guards. One guard began to walk while the other one is behind Ray. Ray followed the guard who is just a meter in front of him and the other guard followed Ray from behind, making sure that he will not be able to escape. They entered a room, it contains two metal chairs that are facing one another and between them is a table, this time it is hardly lit by lights. One of the guards told Ray to take a seat on the chair, the farthest from the door. The two guards then stood near the door, which is the only way to get out of the room, and the one on the right opened it.

Oxford walked in with a metal tray. He placed it on the metal table and sat down, Ray noticed that the guards have closed the door shut securely. Ray looked down at the tray to see what does it contain. There are three different kinds objects, the one on the right is a white folded paper, in the middle is a pair of chopsticks, and at the left is another white folded paper. Ray looked at Oxford who just let out a sigh.

"What do you see?", questioned Oxford.

"Two white folded papers on each side, and in the middle is a pair of chopsticks.", Ray answered.

"Excellent.", said Oxford.

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